Wonderfully funny

dorishpp October 30, 2014 8:32 pm

I say poor Jin because of Momo being so embarrassed now, Momo wants to chill things off!! I say Momo needs to get over it and relax!! He knows how every one is so let them talk for now until it blows over instead of messing up their relationship!! What if Jin decides to leave for good because Momo doesn't want to have anything to do with him!! Then Momo will be alone!! I mean nobody else is worried about their relationship being out there!! I like this story and I want to know what's next so PLEASE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE ASAP!!! thx D

    carbo21 December 22, 2014 1:30 am

    In some ways I agree with you, but Momo seems to be an extremely private person. The fact that the others seem to think everyone's business is theirs is off putting for someone like him.