I haven't read this in a while. I stopped at the part were the brown hair girl got a promo...

Gamma_bananas July 28, 2020 8:24 am

I haven't read this in a while. I stopped at the part were the brown hair girl got a promotion
Did this get good or did the story get bad?

Also why is it here? You can read this for free on webtoon it's not like tapas or that other site where you have to pay to read the webcomic there's really is no need to upload it here imo

    Tai July 28, 2020 1:17 pm

    honestly it depends. if u like all her scenes being in the office and with the blonde welsh guy then the comic got good and if u dont and prefer her spending time with her friends/doing game stuff/actually interacting with marshall then the comic got bad. im still reading it but tbh my enthusiasm for it has waned considerably. im fine with her having relationships with other guys, its important part of growth but the entire reason i read this story was to see two nerds become close and fall in love and also all the fun gamer insights. and thats just kind of...gone. and now s2 is over and we gotta wait till fall to get any kind of followthru on the alrdy painstakingly long set up of her getting into her first realtionship with a guy i find painfully boring tbh. (sry charles fans)