Teddy July 28, 2020 3:45 am

Listen I really don't care what the Lee kang went through that made him this fucked up like idec if he watched his parents die at age -2 years old I have NO sympathy at all and like ik he's going to most likely end up with the uke in the end but there better be some hella good revenge happening like I mean I want Lee kang to SUFFER! And also.....Junho, I'm sorry ik he's been through a lot but, he is a dumbass (sorry I lack vocabulary skills when I'm angry and could not word that any nicer (=・ω・=)) like fIrSt Of aLL if I had waken up in uke's feet at Lee kangs place and he just straight up LEAVES ME ALONE IN HIS PLACE I would've trashed that place! Like hands down call me Kyle cause there's gonna be a couple holes in your wall...BUTT maybe your too scared of the legal issues you could possibly encounter fine but at the very least! You could've legit tried to find dirt on him!! Like he gave a golden ticket and you threw it back at him!?!? I don't understand! And honestly idk how the legal stuff works in Korea but from what I see the so called video that Lee kang has on him, you can very clearly tell he is being raped as his hands are tied and he yells no and stop it so honestly I would've called Lee kang out on his bluff to begin with like also he came in the uke's ass I would've gotten my ass to a local clinic and gotten proof on whose cum that is so like if I go down you go down with me ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ anyway I apologise for this long rant I am going to proceed to release my anger by throwing my pillow up in the air and punching it and then I might do some cartwheels ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    raindragon July 28, 2020 1:46 pm

    I'm interested in the psychological aspect of it if he is fucked up because of past trauma. Like, what makes this guy act like he does. you know? Is it fear?

    raindragon July 28, 2020 2:13 pm

    I hope you won't mind me saying this, but I think yours is a woman's solution.

    raindragon July 30, 2020 12:50 am
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    Teddy, if you weren't so emotional over rape, you might be able to try pick up the author's skirt and look a beneath to the subtext. Why did he leave Junho alone in his house? Maybe Lee Kang doesn't care about the place. Why didn't Junho tear things up? for one thing, it's a crime and he's a good guy. Maybe Junho sensed that Lee Kang expected him to wreak havoc. Why? to give Lee Kang a reason to dislike or distance himself. maybe so he could think the worst of Junho the way Junho thinks the worst of him. ..... I hate you don't leave me.
    I would suspect that the character, Lee Kang, is in a constant state of emotional pain, and all of his actions reflect that. I think that might be part of his character design.
    Junho is the hand that reaches to draw him out of a dark pit. He can't afford to lose Junho, but he also can't let him in too close. Junho has the power to sink him more deeply ito that well anger where he lives.
    I'm accused of liking a rapist. I do. He's so interesting I can't resist.

    raindragon July 30, 2020 12:50 am
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    I'll do it for you

    raindragon July 30, 2020 7:02 am
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    wow. someone with a brain has graced us.
    (๑•)و hey,look. A little man sticking out his tongue, LOL

    Teddy August 3, 2020 5:14 pm
    Teddy, if you weren't so emotional over rape, you might be able to try pick up the author's skirt and look a beneath to the subtext. Why did he leave Junho alone in his house? Maybe Lee Kang doesn't care abou... raindragon

    Hmmmm, ok well that's actually super funny that you say I'm emotional over the rape when the only time I mentioned rape in my little spiel was to say the video was obviously showing him being raped I never once said I was mad at him being raped honestly I was more pissed about the thing with his girlfriend and the school and the that's his life getting fucked over but sure go ahead and talk trash lol and it's funny that you mention trashing someone's place as being a crime because rape and blackmail are also a crime and I clearly stated another option for what you can do if you cared about legal matters....and also a woman's solution? I was just thinking of a way to get out of the blackmail....lmao you saying men can't defend themselves?? And that part about reading between the lines (I'm assuming that's what you mean by picking up the authors skirt) well this is my opinion about what I would have done...I very explicitly said this is what I would do...I never once said I think the author should do or did something wrong, in fact you know it's a good author if she is able make me feel strong emotions towards a situation. And also "I'm accused of liking a rapist. I do." Hmm ok well idk if maybe you just aren't expressing yourself correctly or not but I will say that I have many books I've read that I love! where there is rape in them like for example Warehouse is fucking amazing and call me fucked up but I ship the main characters in that story but here's the thing I would never say that I like rapist....saying you enjoy a story and saying you enjoy the crime/criminal are two different things, that being said throughout your final comments you seem to disregard what I was actually saying and altering it so that I fit some perspective that you saw, I try to be open minded in these types of situations but immediately when someone resorts to demeaning the person they are talking about I realize they are coming more from an emotional point rather than a logical one so I recognize I really can't argue with emotions and in spite of all this lol I hope you are doing well person I don't know (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Teddy August 3, 2020 5:17 pm
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    Shit happens ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭