hahaha so true, plus there's so much that's missing. Tallie's nickname for Magnus is 'The Icicle', not 'Ice Earl', her way of accepting the proposal is very different and her conditions to marry Magnus are not fully stated, and they've totally skipped the second angst of the story - the misunderstanding between Tallie and Magnus and his mistrust of her towards the end. Of course there are limitations to manga version, but rather than filling the panels with pointless and over-dramatic actions of the characters, it would've been better to include the details that matter, or atleast some bits and pieces of them!!!

Yeah....boy that man trust issue is really something
But maybe the manga brush it off because it took too much of the story. And we all know it was the basic angst of the story and the mangaka was breaking her/his brain on how to include those drama in a chapter. She/he did say that it was a great novel

Yes, his trust issue does stretches throughout the novel, and only gets solved at the end, but his doubting her and her love seems pointless tbh. Guess mangaka had to deal with quite a lot when deciding what to include and what not to. Overall it's a good one though, as it didn't stray much compared to the other harlequin mangas, just the ending was too rushed.
They spoiled one of my favorite stories. I read this book so many times. They spoiled it!!