.^. W H A T

Haramea July 27, 2020 9:00 pm

OKAY SO. JUST EARLIER I WAS SAYING "yeah osiris is the psycho bullshit in this serie, go die or something" but!
i checked the updates AND, I MAY BE WRONG, Because i don't read korean but, FUCK HORUS BROS, IDK WHAT WAS THAT, BUT IT WAS SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO VERY WRONG
SO, can someone tell me what happened in the last two chapters available to this date??? Because, honnestly, i've never been this shook because of a yaoi, like, that's gonna haunt me ._. for a long time.⊙_⊙

    Mayo July 27, 2020 10:54 pm

    I hope u dont get haunted lmao. So the last 2 chapters are NOT CANON. They are extras meant to be fan service, so it didn't happen in the actual story. If you don't like stuff like that (Which I dont) you can ignore it/pretend u didn't read it lol. So yeah, Horus is still a very good boy canon-wise, so you don't have to worry too much.

    Haramea July 29, 2020 8:21 am

    OH THANKS LORD XDD, no seriously there was all this explanation at the beggining but i understood very little of all that korean, not it's clear XD
    Thanks so much dor telling me cause i was NOT INTO THAT dangit