I find it so unfair how they only switched back when Phyce damaged medeas body. Also why d...

outa crazy July 27, 2020 5:48 pm

I find it so unfair how they only switched back when Phyce damaged medeas body. Also why did she say she needs to find heli? Shouldn’t she be looking for Medea. Also about helios wound. He said maybe she doesn’t know about the wound so maybe she doesn’t want to heal it bc she made it. I Really hope Helios doesn’t fall for physce!

    PeanutButter July 27, 2020 6:02 pm

    Ikr? I get that what she went through was traumatizing but karma need to bite her a$$ more

    outa crazy July 27, 2020 6:13 pm
    Ikr? I get that what she went through was traumatizing but karma need to bite her a$$ more PeanutButter

    Yup, and she needs to stay away from Helios. She’s gonna ruin my ship.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    lkzmm July 28, 2020 5:12 am
    Ikr? I get that what she went through was traumatizing but karma need to bite her a$$ more PeanutButter

    What Karma, what did she even do?

    PeanutButter July 28, 2020 6:02 am
    What Karma, what did she even do? lkzmm

    I guess "consequence" is more fitting than "karma". All her actions up until recently were p r e t t y d u m b (or naive)

    PeanutButter July 28, 2020 6:04 am
    What Karma, what did she even do? lkzmm

    And everytime, she switches her body with Medea, just like the latest chapter, and Medea have to deal with it for her

    lucia_luce July 28, 2020 6:50 am

    No... No... You're totally mistaking something here, the one who wants to find heli is medea, not psyche!

    They switched bodies when psyche fell, but at the same time medea can't breathe and fainted in psyche's original body (because that body is getting worse after the nosebleeds in previous chapters and everything), so when they're switching, psyche can use her divine power to heal her original body, so medea can use psyche's body to go to the temple.

    So they did switch bodies but only for a few seconds!

    Here more explanation :

    1. The one who said "now i can breathe" under the balcony of house belial is the real medea, and the one who said "this is my house" surrounded by servants in house polly is the real psyche

    2. But psyche is already back to medea's body in the scene when 'medea' run from the men who chased her, the one who saw king henel smiling is also psyche not medea... Please check her monologue when she thought "i shouldn't use divine power here", that's obvious sign that the one who's currently in medea's body is psyche not medea, the real medea won't ever thought about using divine power.

    3. Medea in psyche body thought about the priest sent by helio who she met at the day of prayer, you can check earliest chapter right before medea and psyche switched bodies for the first time, a priest sent by helio gave a key to medea in the day of prayer so medea could enter the temple and met psyche... That's the priest she's thinking about, and because helio was the one who sent the priest, medea thought she can contact helio through the priest.

    lucia_luce July 28, 2020 6:56 am
    And everytime, she switches her body with Medea, just like the latest chapter, and Medea have to deal with it for her PeanutButter

    But this time psyche is the one who deal with the problem... She managed to confront duke belial, and (a little spoiler) because she hurt her leg and makes scene about 'suicide' she can stay in her room and avoid to meet king henel... She also heal her original body (her original body is getting worse after the nosebleeds in previous chapters to the point medea couldn't breathe and fainted in that body), so medea can use her body to go the temple in the end of this chapter