That had me looking to the moon

Leta Cent July 27, 2020 2:36 pm

I actually cant believe Sogo got mad at Daiki for saying they aren't dating just after being in that sexual play situation. The first rope play was ok but the next one though was pretty sexual. So it's funny that's he's mad Daiki said he is free to do it with who ever. Cause that's what he was doing. Not going to lie if I was dating someone and they got heated by someone else's touch, begged me for sex, and then left the next day ( cause they got what they wanted) I would feel like just a sex friend too.

Like if Daiki was going around and said they aren't dating I would feel bad for Sogo. But lol he's the one doing it so why is he but hurt? I think their work life is one thing and a few porn people don't consider work sex as real sex or cheating. However what he does outside of work ( cough cough the rope play) shows how serious he would be with Daiki. wHy ArEnT yOu JeAlOuS? Treat him right then maybe he would think your dating ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hanako July 27, 2020 4:28 pm

    Damn.. u took the words out of my mouth bro.. same sentiments too