I mean, judging from the standards of society, a 100+ year old man should not hook up with an 18 year old, but they are, like you said, gods/goddesses so I doubt something like age is relevent to them. It is sometimes looked down in society, even though they are both legal adults, to have the two parties having a huge age gap so that could be it. Also in Japan, you are an adult legally only at age 21 years old so if they were judging with Japan's standards than Persephone is still a child. They are unaging physically, but mentally Hades is still much older than Persephone, this is why I have problems with 100+ vampire x high school girl. I guess it comes down to whether the reader would percieve age to be relevent to immortal beings.

I mean it’s based off of actual lore, the true story of Hades and Persephone. The book already changed the fact that He originally kidnapped her and she technically developed Stockholm syndrome and married her captor. Not much can be changed about the fact that Hades is higher up and therefore one of the older gods whereas she’s extremely young for a god. Either way she’s not a child and Lore Olympus is fiction anyway.
Has anyone read Lore Olympus? I saw a critism of it and how it was pedophilia. Idk if I’m missing something if I’m the one being ignorant or unaware let me know but isn’t Persephone an adult already? Plus I don’t really think age matters to adult, aware and UNAGING adults. I think it’s wrong to criticize the morality of a story about other beings while not understanding the being itself. They’re gods and goddesses. Once they become adults I don’t think age is a concept for them anymore