Uh I don’t know if this counts as a question but

Princess July 27, 2020 12:18 am

My brother and I just came out to our mom and she said something and we kept asking what she said and she kept saying nevermind and to eat because we were eating and I’m scared she’s so upset I even asked if she was mad and I was smiling because I was nervous and I feel like I wanna cry I’m scared that now she might tell the family and what if they don’t like me or my brother anymore :(

    Kai July 27, 2020 12:23 am

    CONGRATULATIONS ON COMING OUT MY DUDE, i admire your courage, i am too much of a pussy to do so myself. ╥﹏╥

    rosie July 27, 2020 12:23 am

    I applaud you for your bravery. Warm wishes and hugs from me! Coming out is an incredibly difficult thing to do, and it's great that you did it together with your brother. Your mom will always love you. She may not come to accept your sexuality, but she will always love you.

    Princess July 27, 2020 12:25 am

    Ah thanks and it was scary I was shaky but I told myself it’d be better to deal with it now than later and I feel better but still upset I’m scared she hates me and my brother I’ve been over thinking for a while ..

    raindragon July 27, 2020 3:02 am

    why'd come out in the first place? and can you go back just the two of you, and you tell her you're not sure. Give her some breathing room. don't tell people that shit unless you just have to. Did you tell her to shock her? well, I'd like to know how old you are. that makes a huge difference. You sound maybe still in your teens? so stop worrying. what's she going to do? throw you in the lake? If you're this freaked out, maybe you should create a little bit of safe space (sorry about that stupid label) and if you've never had sex, you can't know what you are. You will only know after you've slept with people as an adult.

    raindragon July 27, 2020 3:03 am
    why'd come out in the first place? and can you go back just the two of you, and you tell her you're not sure. Give her some breathing room. don't tell people that shit unless you just have to. Did you tell ... raindragon

    I can tell you what she said that she wouldn't repeat. "these damn brats!" lmao

    rosie July 27, 2020 3:27 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! The Quiet Kid

    You are 1000% correct? How do virgins even know they're STRAIGHT when they haven't slept with anyone? You can know your own feelings and attraction. Parents will and have completely disowned their children for their sexuality, and it is an incredibly scary thing to do. I cannot believe they had the audacity to tell them to go BACK to the closet, and writing off coming out as some kind of "shock factor." You 100% have the right to be who you are without living in fear and hiding who you truly are.

    raindragon July 27, 2020 8:28 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! The Quiet Kid

    you keep right on thinking that. but it takes experience to know. that's it. without the experience you don't have the information you need to formulate a self-concept. Fortunately these things come with adulthood. Children don't need to know their sexual preference. Why would they?
    Coming out is a bad thing when it's stupid and self-destructive . Go ahead and be idealistic. See how far that takes you in RL.
    The family bullshit is another idealistic idea in your head. Your family is not going to love and coddle you for revealing your sexual preference. That's your private business, not something you have a right to expect others to celebrate like it's an easter parade or something.
    Better live a lie than live a private hell of disapproval and nagging.
    If they are as young as their words tell me, no, I don't think they gave it enough thought.
    You sound like someone who has never been kicked out and abused.
    You have a lot of nerve speaking so disrespectfully to a person who knows from experience what they're talking about. You have a lot of half-baked notions and idealistic expectations. Good luck with all that.