LIKE SHIT WE HAVE AYATO, WHOSE A PORNSTAR AND (a bit) UNCONTROLLABLE WITH HIS SEXUAL URGES PAIRED OFF WITH THE SUPER STRICT "RULES ARE RULES" COP, TAKEUCHI!!!! This was so exciting that my yell quickly turned into a high pitched squeal. Like just imagine how more possessive Takeuchi would be if he does end up falling for Ayato? Yo, one move that Ayato makes and accidentally causes Takeuchi to become jealous, might end with the both of them in a room overwhelmed with hormones that is dripping with possessiveness and dominance (not that im saying its there will be bdsm bc of the dominance factor, but i am refering to is the dominance that will leak out of Takeuchi, if his jealousy is triggered). AAAAANYWAYYY, I am probably just blowing this out of proportion but I honestly cant wait to see what happens between the two - and seriously, I also need some Aki-Ueda moments.
LIKE SHIT WE HAVE AYATO, WHOSE A PORNSTAR AND (a bit) UNCONTROLLABLE WITH HIS SEXUAL URGES PAIRED OFF WITH THE SUPER STRICT "RULES ARE RULES" COP, TAKEUCHI!!!! This was so exciting that my yell quickly turned into a high pitched squeal. Like just imagine how more possessive Takeuchi would be if he does end up falling for Ayato? Yo, one move that Ayato makes and accidentally causes Takeuchi to become jealous, might end with the both of them in a room overwhelmed with hormones that is dripping with possessiveness and dominance (not that im saying its there will be bdsm bc of the dominance factor, but i am refering to is the dominance that will leak out of Takeuchi, if his jealousy is triggered).
AAAAANYWAYYY, I am probably just blowing this out of proportion but I honestly cant wait to see what happens between the two - and seriously, I also need some Aki-Ueda moments.