Well that's a couple wich I can identified with hahaha
I mean, almost in every manga&so while they are doing sex they talk about horny things and etc., but with my partners we do usually talk about serious things not just the fetishes hahaha
Having a casual convo during sex lmao. I know what you mean but i instantly thought of two people just discussing the fucking weather or some shit lol.
hahahahahahaha Actually I've done that too. Haven't you talked about how rainy the night is or how sunny it looks outside while you are fucking? hahahahaha it's so random but strengthened relationships at the time
hahahahahahahaActually I've done that too. Haven't you talked about how rainy the night is or how sunny it looks outside while you are fucking? hahahahaha it's so random but strengthened relationships at the ti... DxMaku93
People have such a romanticized idea of sex lol it's definitely not like porn told me it was haha
Well that's a couple wich I can identified with hahaha
I mean, almost in every manga&so while they are doing sex they talk about horny things and etc., but with my partners we do usually talk about serious things not just the fetishes hahaha