Strange cop, to say the least

Comadrin July 26, 2020 8:50 am

Here we have an unknown lady who steals (more like recovers) stolen jewelry from thieves and returns it to the rightful owners. Then we have this "high class" policeman who has dedicated his professional life to catching her and having her executed. He shoots her without being sure that she is the "criminal." I must have really misread English history if the 1870's were so crime free that upper echelon police officers spent all their time chasing after someone returning stolen property. Can we say that this premise is as dumb as it can get? At least that's my take on the matter.

    Shades July 26, 2020 12:48 pm

    I wonder if peoples back then were as stupid as we are nowadays. Nowadays you can really be arrested to "steal" something that was stolen and return to his original owned.

    God Of Unknown July 27, 2020 6:46 am

    This is based on another famous female thief and is quite the common story. I’m pretty sure it loosely based on a real story that actually happen, but I’m not 100% what the name is or if I’m remembering that correctly. But here is another story based on similar events.

    Shiyai August 8, 2020 11:18 pm

    I think the police who searched someone who's breaking houses and stealing thongs. I don't think that the stolen properties was proved to be stolen. That might be because the jewels as stolen by higher nobles from commoners or lower nobles that they can't do anything about it

    Comadrin November 27, 2020 5:37 pm
    I think the police who searched someone who's breaking houses and stealing thongs. I don't think that the stolen properties was proved to be stolen. That might be because the jewels as stolen by higher nobles f... Shiyai

    Damn! I missed the whole premise of the story. I didn't realize that she was actually an underwear thief, stealing revealing panties! Still, that's no reason to shoot her.