Having a really rough day, can I please get some short and funny manga to h...
Correlation between fascism & the heteros’ comeback
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSrFRj6MF/ sigh https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSrFRyyEq/ whe...
Seme turned uke recs
Problems Problems
Good sports manga with good art. Ive read : haikyuu, bluelock, yuri on ice,...
BL recsss!
Story abt couple meeting under strange circumstances or meeting with a misu...
yandere stalker posessive seme reccs??
I’m Curious
so in those isekai mangas I always get lost in the political stuffs and family plots etc or is just me? I think some gets really complicated political stuffs idk maybe is just me....(⊙…⊙ )