It is just the translations. The previous uploader, after taking on many projects and reading the comments on them, decided to drop some that have active fan-translators and to focus on the ones that weren't readily available in English.
I wish they wouldn't have dropped this one, but...what can you do? The recent chapter was decent, by the translation felt a little off. Maybe I'm just tired, so it's a little difficult to understand, but they did do a good job. But even that person won't continue on this unless the official new scanlation team (Frost Drop) is terrible (so they say). Either way, I'm grateful to everyone that picks this up and tries their best on it

Hey! I'm not actually the one who said their translations would be terrible, it was actually Rose themselves who said their translations would be bad! I'm really hoping they arent though, and since they are a team of about 5 people whereas I'm only 1 I believe they'll do a great job since with that many people theres no way you can do shit translations hopefully
Wait it the manga being dropped or just the translations? Someone plz tell me