I need help, I read this manga, yaoi, about a boy who's obsessed with UFO, because he has been raped since he was a child and got ptsd, he always sees his rapist as 'dinosaur kinda thing' and it's very depressing. I want to make a study about it, thank you!
This reply will be showed after approved! mushroom cloud
Yeah The thing is, this kind of thing is real and suprisingly common, if someone you know often say they saw something that's not real, like legit saw it not mistook a flying leaf or clouds as ufo, dont laugh or ignore them ┗( T﹏T )┛
I need help, I read this manga, yaoi, about a boy who's obsessed with UFO, because he has been raped since he was a child and got ptsd, he always sees his rapist as 'dinosaur kinda thing' and it's very depressing. I want to make a study about it, thank you!