I mean at least they are both 10... But yeah shipping 10 year olds is a bit... Though children can have crushes among them but for others to ship them It's kinda disturbing indeed. Personally It's their appearance that makes me forget their mental age and ship them. ( ̄∇ ̄") But as it's fictional and this different outer/inner growth difference doesn't exist in real life I guess it could be alright to at least anticipate their future interactions? (=・ω・=)

I know some were really hyper about it lol Personally I just liked how he was there for the prince and how caring he was.But I guess all guardians will be caring for their masters... I hope we will get more interactions with the guardians in general though and I am really curious about the red head (the twins's guardian). Also I doubt this will be Canon (the 2nd prince and the guardian) since it is really unusual for bl characters to appear in a shoujo and as you said there wasn't really anything important going on in the first place. I mean to the point to start believing they could be something more in the future.
i got the bl vibe lol my mind just-