Someone said "spoiler: i believe they are a couple by the end" im about to break my compu...

emmx91 July 25, 2020 3:38 pm

Someone said "spoiler: i believe they are a couple by the end" im about to break my computer. wtf EW

    FireFistLaw12 July 25, 2020 4:04 pm

    Don't they only have like, a 3 or 5 year age difference?

    (That being said I'm not fond of her only being 16 atm, but then again back in that sorta era it's was the norm getting married around that age as well)

    Boy with luuuuv July 25, 2020 4:07 pm

    Oops sorry I accidentally thumbed up. I wanted to put a thumb down :) my bad

    Strxwberriheh July 25, 2020 5:22 pm

    Sorry meant to press thumb down

    emmx91 July 26, 2020 8:41 pm
    Don't they only have like, a 3 or 5 year age difference? (That being said I'm not fond of her only being 16 atm, but then again back in that sorta era it's was the norm getting married around that age as well) FireFistLaw12

    idc about age difference but the fact that he knows her when she was a child- no

    emmx91 July 26, 2020 8:41 pm
    Oops sorry I accidentally thumbed up. I wanted to put a thumb down :) my bad Boy with luuuuv

    dont worry luv that's okay

    emmx91 July 26, 2020 8:41 pm
    Sorry meant to press thumb down Strxwberriheh

    u too luv