I’m kind of pissed, but then I remember that Grandpa is just a product of his time..

newsoftheshaman July 25, 2020 11:03 am

He has this traditional thinking of having a career, having a family, then retiring, growing old and spending time with his future grandchildren. He simply doesn’t know that being married and having kids are optional, that not everyone is into that. Having kids is not a sure fire way that you’re not going to end up in a nursing home either. Kids are not a retirement plan!
He doesn’t understand either that it is even difficult for millennials (and the younger generation..gen Z?) to accomplish that now, given what is happening with the world and the economy right now. A lot of young professionals couldn’t even afford buying a house of their own these days.
And there’s nothing wrong with being alone! It gives you the space and time to contemplate on things, on improving yourself. You can be lonely even if your not alone, but being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.
