If some asked to use your phone, your laptop or an object of yours, you (or most ppl) wouldn’t mind because you know it’s yours and you know your gonna get it back at the end of the day. That’s possessiveness. Joowon made it very clearly to Taku that Haesoo is his object that will be with him at the end of the day. So to joowon this little break does not mean he’s not possessive. To him he’s letting someone “use” Haesoo a bit because Haesoo will eventually go back to him. Also this isn’t the first time Haesoo has dated someone so I don’t see why joowon would need to take this relationship more seriously than all the other ones that failed. Possessiveness is a type of mindset and CAN manifest through actions but doesn’t need to so just because joowon is not acting that way atm does not mean he isn’t possessive, he is just not acting on it right now. Also real obsessions are hard to break. They are even thought of as a mental illness (OCD) so if the author wanted Joowon to be obsessed in the beginning he is very likely still obsessed now

I just thought of another example! Have you ever had to give something of yours to someone you don’t want to, but because it’s a “nice thing to do” you do it anyways. And all you’re thinking is “why do I have to do this” “I don’t wanna give it to them” “omg I can’t wait to get it back” but at the end of the day you still let them use it even tho you just can’t wait to get it back. Yeah that’s possessiveness and I think that’s what Joowon is currently experiencing

Like sorry let's not deep in psychology. It's a story and I doubt author has any psychological background...
I also am not a specialist of psychology myself. More like hobby.
Object? He said that Haesoo will always be in his life. He wants to be in Haesoo's life. Even if he has to stay as his brother because he loves him.
And he would take this relationship seriously because Haesoo broke things with Joowon for the first time in their history. And said he likes Taku. It had never happened before.
Oh ok you are making so many assumptions here. We don't know if he will contact Haesoo. He hasn't contacted him for a long time now. He gave him his space. He didn't force him to come back to him or begged him to come back. He focused on work.
Like he is definitely a little bit obsessed with Haesoo, his whole life is spinning literally around him but please let's not deep into real mental issues. It's manhwa as I said author probably has no psychological background and didn't want to portray any disease entity. It's not so deep.

I think saying the author didn’t think about character psychology at all is incredible false because with such a long and emotional series, characters need to be consistent in how they act and that means they need to have a definite thinking pattern, which is psychology. Character psychology also heavily influences character development and how that plays out. So even if unknowingly, the author definitely thought about character psychology before and while making this series.
I’m sorry I kind of thought it was common knowledge that Joowon treated Haesoo like an object. Maybe some people don’t agree with that. In that case we can use anything else like pets or even a child. The idea is that people tend to be more possessive over objects so there’s that common analogy. Moreover, possessiveness is the desire to control or dominate over something which goes back to idea that people can do this more with something they perceive as an object. Controlling humans as humans comes with a lot of complexity which Joowon historically has not shown Haesoo. I think its within good assumptions that the author made Heasoo a thing Joowon desired but with Haesoo’s rebellion, Joowon is realizing Haesoo is not just a thing he can manipulate and control but a human.
This has happened before with his mother but what I was trying to say is that essentially this is just another person H is dating. Which has happened many times before so J can definitely make the connection that like H past relationships this will eventually be nothing, which he seems to do when talking to Taku. So we wouldn’t know if he actually was taking this relationship seriously, because he hasn’t said anything to actually confirm it. I’m just suggesting another alternative possibility.
You’re right we don’t know if J will ever contact H again. However. with his words he insinuated that he believes H will come back to him so, on that note, he doesn’t need to be actively possessive or worried if he’s confident H will come back to him. Which, again, just because he is not acting that way, doesn’t mean he isn’t that way, especially when he has a long history of otherwise.
I’m sorry did you not think that J, H and even T have nothing wrong with them?? There is definitely something mentally wrong with them. I actually think one of the themes of the series is mental illness because there is no way an actual functioning mentally correct person acts this type of way. I think there’s a lot of mental and psychological issues that all of the main characters are facing and they’re acting through them without any assistance. I think because mental/psychological illness is societal taboo many people become comfortable and accepting of them without seeking or suggesting help. So I hate to break it to you but these people would probably be diagnosed with some mental/psychological illness in real life.
Just a note almost everything in the comments, including yours, is deducing, theorizing, and assuming because not too much has been affirmatively said by the characters or the author.

Like I don't really want to start this debat because I don't have time. I also don't appreciate your superior tone and looking down on me attitude.
Like once again you are making this story deeper than it is imo. It's really UNPROFESSIONAL trying to diagnose characters created most likely by someone with no psychological background.
I never said or insinuated characters didn't have some mental problems or that the story completely lack some psychological elements.
I don't agree with your pov of Joowon. And I doubt it was author's purpose to portray him the way you described. IMO this story is not so deep.
"it was common knowledge". No it's your, subjective opinion. It's not a fact.
As I said it's the first time Haesoo broke their relationship and said he likes someone else genuinely. It never happened before. Also Joowon always contacted him. And he always did in the past. It's just your assumption it's show of his gratitude. Maybe it's actually character development.
I don't give this story so much thought to creat the whole psychological essay. Especially as I'm not specialist in that field.
I'm also not so fluent in English to have debate on equal footing about such issues with you.
I stopped enjoying participating in LoH comment section long time ago. I really regretted that I replied in the first place.

By psychological I meant going so deep you are trying to match it even with specific disease entity.
"with his words he insinuated that he believes H will come back to him" - how can you be sure he seriously believed in words he said. Maybe he wanted to convince Taku to believe that Haesoo will choose him again. Or even convince himself to calm himself?

I don’t recall having a superior tone. I mean the fact that this story has realistic aspects is enough to make people take it seriously.
I am NOT trying to diagnose anyone! Let’s make that very clear! You were saying he wasn’t possessive, I said he was. Possessiveness is a thinking pattern that can manifest through actions. We have seen J’s thinking process and actions, which can be interpreted as possessiveness. Once again, this is a deduction. A theory we both have because neither have been confirmed by the author. I am NOT a psychological professional (so if anyone reading this I have questions please contact psychological professionals). I am quite interested in it and did study some of it in my understudies. That being said I talk about the characters as they were real people. If I knew these characters I would suggest them to get professional help (as I hope other people would) on the basis that I described, in a similar aspect as someone would think/tell a sick person to go to the hospital.
I thought it was common knowledge because of the way he acted, which is something we all read. J did treat H poorly that is a fact, however, it definitely can be debated whether you perceived it as an object or whatever. But again the thought that possessive people treat other people like objects is a common idea. And J is possessive.
I mean I think the story is very deep so I am concerned about how some people feel about the characters. I do hope that everyone reads this as fiction and will not at all support a lot of the things that’s happening in the story because it’s not good. So if you really thought that this behavior was acceptable and someone who exhibit at these behavioral characteristics were acceptable I would be concerned. Just be like “hey maybe its not good to justify his behavior and let me tell you why.” But if you see this as a fictional story I don’t really see the need to go so deep into it.
I did misunderstand you, I thought you meant like the first time the relationship ever broke because it wasn’t. But it was the first time H did tell J he loved someone else, yes. This definitely could be character development, but again just because he isn’t showing possessive actions now doesn’t mean he is not possessive.
We can agree to disagree at this point because I can’t seem to persuade you. But I would like to finally reintegrate to anyone reading that Joowon is a possessive person and just because he is not acting on it doesn’t mean is not thinking it. Whether the possessiveness is good or bad is entirely subjective.

What did I try to match to a specific disease entity?? I only every talked about possessiveness and obsession which is what you talked about...
How can you seriously not believe his words? Maybe he did not want to convince Taku or himself and genuinely believed it. All of this is assumptions and deductions. All we can affirmatively know is what he does and says and he said that.

I didn’t talk about Haesoo because we were talking about Joowon. I could go in a very deep discussion about what I think about all the characters because trust me, no one is a angel in my eyes.
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree because I don’t know how to persuade you when Joowon’s actions were quite obviously inconsiderate and ignorant of Haesoo’s feelings, thoughts, overall person. But by that point you’re also saying Haesoo is not an object of desire for Joowon which makes this whole story quite awkward

Ok. Let's start with superior tone and looking down on me part.
Sentences like:
"I’m sorry I kind of thought it was common knowledge "
"I’m sorry did you not think that J, H and even T have nothing wrong with them?? "
"So I hate to break it to you but these people would probably be diagnosed with some mental/psychological illness in real life.".
You can't tell me this sentences don't have penetrative undertone.
There is some big misunderstanding. I was saying he isn't posessive now. Author of OP used present time. In past there were definitely some actions which can be interpreted as posessive or obsessive.
But saying that now he gave Haesoo space only to be a gracious master... Is just an assumption. It can be character development as well.
Of course Joowon's actions were at times inconsiderate of Haesoo's feelings.
Of course Joowon made mistakes.
But still I can't agree that he see Haesoo as mere object he wants to control and manipulate and not a person.
Like being inconsiderate or ignorant of someone's feelings doesn't automatically mean you think about the other person as object. But it's just my sad ,subjective option.

None of those sentences were meant to carry a superior tone. I’m sorry you felt that way. Can you just clear something up with me: Do you do realize that if someone who demonstrated JW’s behavior you would understand that it is unhealthy and recommend that they get some type of professional help right?? If you can clear that up with me I’m completely fine with ending this discussion.
I just want there to be some realization that just because he is not acting on it does not mean he is not thinking of it. Especially after years of this habitual thought process it would be much harder for him to break it. Both of our arguments are assumptions because neither have been affirmed by the author or characters.
The object thing is just a common analogy for possessiveness. JW was more than just inconsiderate and ignorant. He was controlling and manipulating. A normal person doesn’t control and manipulate a person they think of as equal. That’s why there is so much dehumanizing in society. There’s many extreme examples like slaves, criminals, animals. This is just to get the point across. We are taught to dehumanize and objectify things we want to control. JW was not as extreme but he definitely didn’t think of HS as his own person or otherwise he didn’t treat him like that.
Also I feel that all three characters are unable to love: Joowon acts out of his possessiveness and obsession, Taku seems to view Haesoo as a subject to observe from the POV of a photographer, and Haesoo is basically homme fatale lol