I don't understand why.

Forever Wanderer July 24, 2020 1:47 pm

This world is now experiencing being in the 21st century and the world is still the same as the manhwa. Women being degraded. Being blamed for being the victim in a rape case because apparently they instigated it. It's a disgusting world. I hate people who think they've got power over women. That's why i hate my home. My mum thinks that women should be quiet and should know how to do all the housework. I must learn how to cook,i am not allowed to wear sleeveless tops or short tops. when wearing jeans the top should be below the butt because otherwise men will stare. am not allowed to go out in the evening because men will stare. I hate being in this house. she even talks about how my future in laws will wonder how i grew up because of behaviour and when i told i didn't wanna get married she hit me saying what kind of nonsense i was spouting. and the worst part is, it's not like she's living a happily married life. Her husband aka my dad is not the best husband. and she still thinks in such old fashioned ways. I seriously wanna leave my home as soon as possible like my sis did. BTW my sister is the only ray of hope, my only sunshine in life. I'm lucky that way i guess.

    abidabbi July 24, 2020 2:19 pm

    I’m sorry you’re going through that. Stay strong!

    kazz July 24, 2020 2:50 pm

    It's sad, but because of women like you, whose not giving up and have hope, we have feminism and have same rights as every other human. Don't give up, you'll success just like your sister!

    Forever Wanderer July 24, 2020 3:43 pm
    I’m sorry you’re going through that. Stay strong! abidabbi

    Thank you. really.

    Forever Wanderer July 24, 2020 3:44 pm
    It's sad, but because of women like you, whose not giving up and have hope, we have feminism and have same rights as every other human. Don't give up, you'll success just like your sister! kazz

    I hope i succeed too. And i will never give up. Thank you beautiful human.

    I'mapotato July 24, 2020 4:46 pm

    I'm sorry, stay strong I hope you'll get out of that house soon and be successful

    Forever Wanderer July 24, 2020 4:54 pm
    I'm sorry, stay strong I hope you'll get out of that house soon and be successful I'mapotato

    Thank you...Thank you for reading it because truthfully i just wanted to rant and get it of my chest but all of you wonderful people keep sending me support and love and it really makes me feel special and happy. Thank you.

    Risshi48 July 24, 2020 8:13 pm

    Well in my opinion, it's important to know how to cook because... well it's better to enjoy good food even for yourself (and being complimented for it is a good feeling too). But that's not the point, I'm sorry.

    Anyway nowadays, we may see equality more than before. Women can be independent without being judge (their life might be difficult with the law, this is true) but they can. And men who are oppressed by powerful women is a somehow more common fact nowadays. Anyway, women fight for it and we hope that it will be better in the future !

    Gingerkitten July 24, 2020 8:46 pm

    Here’s hoping the day you move out will be swift and fast approaching. When you do, I definitely recommend you do so with a friend. University housing is also an option, I guess. If you’re waiting for high school to finish, then worst case scenario you can apply for independence at 16 (Depending on where you’re from). I wish you the best!

    Kinchy July 25, 2020 12:36 am

    Oh my..... Stay strong, one day it'll hopefully be over and maybe, just maybe your parents will change their mindsets for the better. Glad that you have your sister to rely on, stay strong and never settle for misogyny or toxic masculinity, you are stunning for knowing what you want for your life, all the best in the future.

    Forever Wanderer July 25, 2020 1:00 am
    Here’s hoping the day you move out will be swift and fast approaching. When you do, I definitely recommend you do so with a friend. University housing is also an option, I guess. If you’re waiting for high ... Gingerkitten

    Yes that is what i was plannng. I want to go to a faraway college so that i can stay in the dorms or something. 16 was the limit. Don't have friends though :(

    Forever Wanderer July 25, 2020 1:04 am
    Oh my..... Stay strong, one day it'll hopefully be over and maybe, just maybe your parents will change their mindsets for the better. Glad that you have your sister to rely on, stay strong and never settle for ... Kinchy

    Thank you. But i doubt my parents will change. when my sister left all my mum could say was how she abandoned the family and how she doesn't have an ounce of love in her body. My dad is running away from all problems in life by making other's pay for my fees and everything,it's embarrassing. Them changing from their stupid views will not happen. and i don't want them to change so that when i finally do leave i don't want to feel guilty.

    Forever Wanderer July 25, 2020 1:11 am
    Well in my opinion, it's important to know how to cook because... well it's better to enjoy good food even for yourself (and being complimented for it is a good feeling too). But that's not the point, I'm sorry... Risshi48

    i want to learn cooking too but when my mum's teaching me with that view makes me not want to learn because i'm cooking for myself and maybe my sister not for some future in law family.
    Is it weird that what i want is justice not just equality. Because equality might solve a lot of problems but the one's who suffered for nothing get nothing. Like i want the rapists to be given a much more cruel punishment than just 2 or 3 years in jail. they should realise the mental trauma they gave the victim and the physical pain and the feeling of wanting to die but not being able to.anyway off topic. sorry.
    let's not just fight for an equal future but for a fair future where everyone deserves only what they did!!!
    which is most probably not possible because reality kicks in. but let's keep reality!

    Kinchy July 25, 2020 1:13 am
    Thank you. But i doubt my parents will change. when my sister left all my mum could say was how she abandoned the family and how she doesn't have an ounce of love in her body. My dad is running away from all pr... Forever Wanderer

    I see, you are really strong for living in something like that.

    Forever Wanderer July 25, 2020 3:38 am
    I see, you are really strong for living in something like that. Kinchy

    when i have you guys to motivate me obviously i'll be strong!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ