Is it wrong to wish D&@th upon this Kang character

Lani3a July 24, 2020 8:51 am

Like the fact that there appears to be no way OUT for the character who is forced to be the uke. And that the RAPIST has everything that broke college students could want ( for ex: Money scholarship students would need) and is backed up by a man in a very powerful position. Literally felt sick reading and skimmed through. If I continue this it will truly be for the hope that he successfully get REVENGE. Like many others have said there’s no redeeming here. My “sympathy/Empathy” for this character or his possible sob story ends at him hurting other innocent people.

    raindragon July 24, 2020 9:17 pm

    wishing death reveals what your internal weather is like. Wanting vengeance... you're a real ray of sunshine

    raindragon July 26, 2020 4:29 am
    wishing death reveals what your internal weather is like. Wanting vengeance... you're a real ray of sunshine raindragon

    see my above comment if you want to see some super-real wishing someone dead