I was excited when this story was first released, cause this author has a very attractive artstyle, and the crossdressing quality made it sound interesting and progressive. Oh how wrong I was. It fetishises drag culture, and everything about this story is just wrong and toxic lol. I just posted a BEHEMOTH of a post with most of my dislikes pertaining to this manga, but yeah. It was a missed opportunity haha.

I agree with you, but what is the way combat manga like this? Japanese authors for the most part don't give a shit about western audiences. Even if we write to problematic mangaka like Nekota Yonezou, it's very unlikely that shit like this will ever disappear. There will always be people who enjoy this, therefore there will always be an audience. The only way I can see is if the target viewership (Japanese public) become more enlightened to the LGBT cause. It's gotten better, but it's still a fucking nightmare to be publicly gay in Japan. A lot of locals still look at Nichōme with freakish wonder or disgust. The targets need to change in order for the publishers/authors to change as well.
It also makes me wonder where the distinction between fiction and reality blur for erotica that have rape and such. Romanticising it is bad, but then what of those who have "rape kinks" and recognize that it is only fiction and don't hold the same views in real life? Would it be censorship to outright ban such works?
Fucking hate this manga. This story is the epitome of what BL has been trying to NOT BE for the past like 5+ years. I know it came out in 2013 but that fact does not exempt it from criticism. It has every quality that a toxic BL story can have, and the fact that this has an 8.8 rating is TERRIFYING. I can’t understand how anyone can find this story endearing or even worth reading. I’ve been keeping up with it because I’m hoping that some magical coincidence will make this story be one where the abused bottom DOES NOT stay with the disgusting top, for the sake of breaking free from yaoi tropes. I know that will most likely not be the case, but I have some hope. Regardless, this is still utter garbage, and I can only hope that filth such as this will cease to exist entirely in the near future.