Rant lmao

DimDim Ditzo July 24, 2020 12:28 am

Yo I honestly feel so dissatisfied with this manhwa that I've grown from just tolerating to dreading wasting time to read the newest update. Like, its basically the concept from other GENIUS comics like 'suddenly became the princess one day' and 'the daughter of the demon lord' but adds a twin sibling that only has plot relevance to the comic when the sister needs it as the main character. Aside from that this comic also feels so empty. There's no drive or motivation for the characters and dues ex machina practically hand fed them the positions the twins have. The characters are absolute garbage. Even though there's 'growth' the characters dont really develop are maintain their developed growth and the relationships feel so forced and two dimensional, it makes my relationship with my family look God-given. So I've decided to drop this, I'll never come across it again and I hope I'll never have to.
Adios lmao

    Exulian July 24, 2020 2:12 am

    I agree with you some what but there are some interesting elements at play here that I'm hoping will bring some life to the story. Rn it feels like it's just getting started, despite being almost 30 chapters in lol

    DimDim Ditzo July 24, 2020 2:45 am
    I agree with you some what but there are some interesting elements at play here that I'm hoping will bring some life to the story. Rn it feels like it's just getting started, despite being almost 30 chapters in... Exulian

    This was gonna be a simply reply but it became another rant I'm sorry T-T I'm really passionate about this-

    Ya that's what I hoped for too as I stayed for this long. I enjoy the whole idea of twins reincarnated, and the older brothers in the family picture. I enjoy the idea of these guardians and the special magic associated with the family but these are all just concepts. I feel these concepts are poorly executed by the author/illustrator that it makes me frustrated. My favorite part about this tab of isekai, the reincarnated as the so and son's child, is the relationship built between the child(ren) and the rest of the family. Even though the family scenes are so cute and adorable, the relationship between the twins and the rest of the fam feels artificial because there was no build up nor work involved to develop into the current relationship. The twins are automatically loved and adored by the king and the three brothers because they're 'pitiful', 'cute', or simply because they're blood bound. There is no real explanation for why the family is so warm to the twins who were abandoned to an abusive household for five years and only became 'apart of the family's when the mother just so happened to die. Its ridiculous. Love and respect is something that is earned, not an automatic given simply because they are family.

    I respect your opinion and I understand for many others why they enjoy this comic. However, I cannot enjoy it because there is nothing to build to, nothing to work for, and deus ex machina (where things are simply given to the mc to further the plot) is a trope I absolutely despise and that's what centers everything about this comic.

    Thank you

    (I'm so sorry (TдT) <3 )))))

    Exulian July 24, 2020 6:42 am
    This was gonna be a simply reply but it became another rant I'm sorry T-T I'm really passionate about this-Ya that's what I hoped for too as I stayed for this long. I enjoy the whole idea of twins reincarnated,... DimDim Ditzo

    DW, sis speak your truth lol! Your perspective is definitely valid. I'm just gonna hold out a lil more and see if the story improves past those points.

    DimDim Ditzo July 24, 2020 7:04 am
    DW, sis speak your truth lol! Your perspective is definitely valid. I'm just gonna hold out a lil more and see if the story improves past those points. Exulian

    Nice, and thank you! I hope you it does improve so you'll continue to enjoy the story