Rant; from a queer person.

Krissy July 23, 2020 4:19 pm

It's so obvious what this story is trying to be, in the weirdest of ways too.

So he's gay, she's seemingly very ignorant of the real life issues (and so is everyone else, apparently) of being gay, but she fetishises gay people so its okay, because they have something in common.

Now, I love a portrayal of the hardships of being queer as much as the next person, but this was done so from the most weirdest, most heterosexual and heteronormative way.

Why is it such a hard thing to believe that the reason most of us choose to not 'reveal' ourselves..is because we don't want to suffer for it? People literally get thrown out of their homes, get beaten, get jailed in certain countries, as well as get killed for being gay. Not coming out is not something we do for others, it's not supposed to be a 'heroic' or righteous thing or reason for doing so or not doing so.

There's also that little bit in one of the earlier chapters where there's talk about how it is just as hard being a fujoshi as being gay? I should not have to explain why this is just outright not true and more offensive than anything. I think you get it.

The way they not only have two unimaginably inappropriate gay relationships. Why did no one call out the gross relationship the main character who is a teenager, had with a literal adult? Why was that normalized? As well as the guy who literally fucked his cousin and got aids from it? That just makes it look like an extremely poor take on a very serious issue, because that's literally incest. Oh also...I'm sorry but did the main character at one point say the old man was using him for a replacement for his SON?? WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THAT.

I'll admit, I did cry at one point, but that doesn't mean much in terms of how good the story is.

All in all, this is not how you approach this type of storyline. At all. Yes the author had me at some points and I'd see that as a progress, but in the end it just makes me more upset than anything.

We just trying to exist bro

    cuckooro July 23, 2020 5:12 pm

    OMG i feel the same!! it feels like a str8 person wrote this, like heteronormativity is prioritised and glorified more here(the str8 chars literally suffer little to no consequences) in the endfor me, this is just as bad as the rest of the trashy fetishized bl in this wretched site.
    also i really hate miura

    jinx July 24, 2020 12:46 am

    Dude yes, all of this. That’s why there was a comment earlier asking if the author was homophobic or something because the gay relationships Depicted in the story are super toxic