Hello do you have any recommendations similiar with this manhwa. I like female lead that i...

LemonHoneycomb July 23, 2020 1:03 pm

Hello do you have any recommendations similiar with this manhwa. I like female lead that is badass and more on actions than talking. And more matured than childish.

    khinoia July 25, 2020 6:35 pm

    you can just look through the tag ‘strong female lead’, if you haven’t yet. there are many mangas with badass FL within that tag^^

    khinoia July 25, 2020 6:39 pm

    and i personally can recommend ‘Reminiscence Adonis’ and also ‘Beware of the Villainess!’, fyi the second one is more of a comedy type

    LemonHoneycomb July 25, 2020 8:10 pm
    and i personally can recommend ‘Reminiscence Adonis’ and also ‘Beware of the Villainess!’, fyi the second one is more of a comedy type khinoia

    Yeah I already Beware of the Villainess. It's good with a little bit of yuri hahahah. But I'm aiming for the blue wolf hahaha

    Don't_Mindme July 27, 2020 2:16 am
    Yeah I already Beware of the Villainess. It's good with a little bit of yuri hahahah. But I'm aiming for the blue wolf hahaha LemonHoneycomb

    You could read Crimson Karma and The beginning after the end the second is a shounen but it is reincarnation but no harem very much recommend

    LemonHoneycomb July 27, 2020 6:57 am
    you can just look through the tag ‘strong female lead’, if you haven’t yet. there are many mangas with badass FL within that tag^^ khinoia

    Ahh ok Tnx for the info

    LemonHoneycomb July 27, 2020 6:58 am
    You could read Crimson Karma and The beginning after the end the second is a shounen but it is reincarnation but no harem very much recommend Don't_Mindme

    sure tnx for the recommendation