I said it once. He deceived MC. He said he wanted to thank him, show his gratitude... But then started to nearly torture him. You don't start such an extreme play, with someone with no experience. You should discussing such elements BEFORE sex/play. It's irresponsible and dangerous.
And there was a moment when MC said stop.
So it was ink on the verge of non&con , dub-con.

bro, the thanking part was obviously fake. imagine you're a girl in front of your apartment and a stranger offers you to sleep at his place instead. obviously shimada was hitting on vanilla-chan and trying to fuck her. and vanilla-chan knew that, that's why he played along. it's his schtick. he takes up any offer from sleazebags who just wanna fuck a pretty girl, and then he tramples on their pride by revealing he is a man. both parties knew they were about to fuck. and shimada obviously still wanted it, he was hard and expecting more. idk if you've ever had sex or not, but if you really don't like someone coming on to you, you react with aversion and put all your strength into pushing them away. rape is comoletely different, i can tell you that. shimada was just taken aback by the fact that a) vanilla-chan was a man and b) he was still reacting to him. that is it. if he wanted to escape or vanilla-chan to stop what he was doing, he would have put up a fight. shimada was complacent.
and just fyi, to vanilla-chan, shimada is just a random sleazebag who wants to hook up. it doesn't matter how nice shimada is, vanilla-chan doesn't owe him love.
tldr: adults have this coded communication called body language, double-speak and reading between the lines. everything was consensual. both parties' feelings are valid.

Sorry but rape but definition is about no clear consent. Rape doesn't have to be brutal or violent.
There wasn't hinted anywhere that he would rape Vanilla-chan if he would refuse sex. He invited him and HOPED that it would lead to sex. Nothing less, nothing more.
He still deceived him. He said he wanted to show him gratitude and he started to nearly torture him
how out MC should have known he is complete S. Never, ever you should start hardcore sadistic play with newbie without much experience with sadistic elements or with anal sex without discussion. Lol sorry. But you discuss such things BEFORE play/sex.
Oh wow your logic is great. You know that people can react, get turned on during rape? It's physiological reaction.
What's more no, not always people react with aversion and fight. Some people are shocked, terrified. Everyone reacts differently. There is also coercion and many other elements. It isn't so simple.
And if your partner say stop, you should STOP and ask. What does he want to do. If he wants to continue. Communication is the key.
Vanilla-chan doesn't own him love. It's common sense. But that doesn't mean he should treats him so badly. Being decent human being should be normal for everyone. Not offending someone and kink shame them....

calm down, take a shower, go read a different yaoi. you are making this out to be about rape, toxic relationships, bdsm and polite demeanor when it obviously isn't. the only headass thing happening here is shimada treating vanilla-chan as a whore and lover at the same time. everything else is perfectly okay, it's comedy hentai shit. since their first meeting when vanilla-chan looked at him like scum and insulted him, shimada has said that has become something he looks for in a partner. if you wouldn't have sex with someone like vanilla-chan then that's your thing, but let shimada wanna fuck and marry vanilla-chan and be his punching bag. it's what he wants, begs for and even offered money for.

obviously both are more or less problematic or socially inept characters, and in a serious setting i'd send them both to hell if i were in a situation where i had to do with any of them. but this is a comedy yaoi, it's treated lightheartedly. you don't have to get mad for shimada's sake when vanilla-chan treats him like disgusting trash because shimada himself is perfectly happy with his situation. likewise you don't have to get mad for vanilla-chan's sake when he doesn't mind sleazebags coming onto him and treating him like a cum dumpster or whore for their own pleasure just because they see a pretty girl, because vanilla-chan himself gets his own pleasure out of that later on.
both have issues, but nowhere do rape, bdsm, toxic relationships and basic human decency belong in here.

The one who need to calm down is you. You are calling me bro etc. I literally said that it's on the VERGE of non-con or at least dub-con. But you presented some imaginary definition of rape and how rape scenes look like. Which was I have to say rather simplified and harmful version.
MC was always polite about his desired, meanwhile from the very begining Vanilla-chan is disrespectful and just rude.
For a NEWCOMER it was hardcore. Sorry to break it to you. Especially for a guy who has literally NO experience with men, with anal sex and sadistic play. Such things HAVE TO BE discussed before play and sex. Not assumed. And he deceived him. He should have been open about the form of gratitude from the very start.
I'm so tired of people making excuses for impolite, rustic characters... Because they are sadists. Like who cares? You should still be respectful and polite as every human being.

And I wouldn't be so sure about Vanilla-chan not raping anyone.
Ch2 " I like to dress up, go out on the town, hit up stupid looking guys, get them to give me money, head to the love hotel and while their guard is down, I fuck them".
Sounds rather non-con/dub-con, what's more Vanilla-chan admitted himself he is the one who hit up on them and deceive them for both money and satisfaction of being in control.
Tbh being in control/dominance is a very frequent factor in rape cases.

*breath in, breath out lol*
Let's agree to disagree. You didn't mean any harm by your comment. We just have a little different view over the story. And that's ok. That's the point of comment section.
Let's not argue over the story which is as you said mostly hentai.
I didn't want to sound harsh or anything. Although I guess my replies had that sermon, serious vibes.
I just get too serious sometimes.

it's okay, i get your frustration. i have dropped and felt insulted by several if not most yaoi due to the issues you talked about. i personally didn't feel them here and enjoyed this yaoi, but i react the same way when i do feel them.
so yeah, let's just agree to disagree. you are a good person, and that's what shines through in your replies. i don't care about the difference in our tastes.
why are yall saying vanilla-chan is an asshole or a piece of shit? he has stated from the beginning that sex with men is more like a power-thing, something like a humiliation kink. he doesn't rape anyone.
the mc loves him regardless, and i personally love how unapologetically honest and relentless he is about what he likes. he reminds me of a child the way he thinks and acts upon his feelings, and it's a nice juxtaposition to his actual age and position in society. vanilla-chan's charm, in my opinion, is that he doesn't give a crap about japanese norms and social hierarchy; he just does and says whatever he wants regardless of who he is with, not caring about what others think of him. his reactions are unfiltered and demeaning, but at the same time fun and allruing.
i find this manga really refreshing, and it's all thanks to the characters.