Sorry if my style displeased you, I didn't learn to draw in a professional way, and trying to draw more 'manga style', my western origins show up now and then... I'd like to be able to draw like the artists I admire so much, but I'm glad to be able to convey my ideas at least. And thanks to the Web allowing me to share, as I'm definitely not wealthy enough to have doujinshi printed.

Though weird, the webtoon was strangely entertaining! A unique concept, and the art was definitely well done. It almost makes it better (than it already is) because the art is so different to the style so frequently seen. It spices it up a bit, you know?
Anyways, I'd like to thank you for the work, and let you know you've done a very good job. Though, I admit it feels a bit strange talking so normally about a work of tentacle sea monster butt plants, but as far as the creation of such tentacle sea monster butt plants goes, I don't think there is anyone who could've done it better.
Also, is it weird to admit that reading and laughing about this webtoon makes me feel better after a bad day?

kaNd It's fine to draw in a different way, and while I did express my opinion under sleepy duress it doesn't mean I actually hate this. Is it strange? Yes. What I totally mean is the story itself. I did laugh. I did raise my eyebrows quite a bit, and yes those drawings are something else. Want me to admit something? My brothers enjoyed drawing the most perverse drawings ever, and yes this did remind me of some of their drawings in a way. They both had an equal effect of raising my eyebrows and making me laugh so thanks for the memories.
the artwork with the coloring. They remind me of something where you sit down at a restaurant and they place something down for a child to color. This is what the whole thing reminds me of. Childish cartoon drawings, but highly perverted.