exactly, like why did she even plan to have unprotected sex if she didn't want to become pregnant? i wish she'd talk to him about why she doesnt feel comfortable getting married so he'd understand. from his pov, we can see how confused he is since they literally clicked at first meeting. he told her he would provide support and that marriage would help their kid a lot. she's lowkey so irresponsible and immature like at least put in some effort.
Communication is key and she really isn't trying to communicate properly. Like just set the dude straight saying yea I'll maintain a relationship with you for the kid but rn as it stands, I do not want to be with you and marry you so please do not push it. I will have a platonic relationship with you tho. Simple as that and if the ML is a pushy bitch about it then we'll talk about that when it gets there. I get him being pushy RN cause he's confused and tryna just even be involved because she's completely pushing him away. It's soooo on both of them tho for having unprotected sex. Dumbass fools
I get why she's wary and doesn't necessarily wanna date the ML but like... He legit wants to try, isn't sweeping this under the rug and tryna hide it like other people in positions of power often would, and he's more than eager and willing to provide for the kid. She should at least recognize that and appreciate it and maintain some sort of a relationship with him, even if it's just a friendly one and they remain separated and single.
Many single parents and split or divorced parents struggle a lot, especially if it was a messy split or divorce and the other parent is completely out of the kid's life. She has the privilege of having her kid completely cared for. She won't have to struggle because if the ML who will take care of the kid no matter what. Not every single parent has that privilege. My dad paid the bare minimum and refused to pay alimony and fought against it for 9 years, which is why they couldn't get officially divorced until my mom gave up and settled last year. For the majority of 2018 we didn't have a full cart of food and could only spend $70 every week or week and a half for three people. My dad fucked over my mom's credit and stopped paying mortgage on our house back in 2009. We had to short sell the house and my mom had to beg for family members to help pay for the down payment for housing in a limited income community. We still live in a limited income community. We had good stamps half the time and we're on Medicaid until they dropped us do to growing up despite still desperately needing it because my brother and I have mental illness and I am mentally disabled (bipolar disorder and moderate Crohn's Disease with arthritis as an extraintestinal manifestation). Many people have and have had it way worse than us, too. She has the opportunity to prevent her child from going through things people like my brother and I have gone through. She is foolish and dumb and privileged for not taking it easily. It is a privilege to be able to choose.