y’all need to stop trashing the girl in the comments, hell yes she probably isn’t a gr...

ygirljae July 22, 2020 7:58 pm

y’all need to stop trashing the girl in the comments, hell yes she probably isn’t a great person and has her wrongs but I wouldn’t feel good about being thrown away like that. Anyway I rlly want yaoi tropes to stop using women as such eyesores literally #-.-)

    ÑZïGHT July 1, 2021 7:20 pm

    It's of old time woman used to be evil in Yaoi cuz they are made by woman to hate another one lol no I mean thts how it is I have read sooo many old times mangas and it's same with everyone and ya know we feel good about tht .

    Sanaya-chan July 4, 2021 8:58 am

    U actually have a point HAHAHAHAHA but even in straight manga's, women are those who are hated often for getting in the way HAHAHAHAHAH. I'm a girl too, and I know that kinda stuff and what they actually feel why they do that. It actually feels unfair when you like someone but they don't like u HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just saying (◡ ω ◡)