Honestly I don't like this manhwa because of... everything? I'm just so frustrated like this is some love triangle that's been dragged out for 25 chapters The main problem was kyujin being a dumbass and swinging back and forth between doyeon and jimin lmao... I was originally rooting for jimin bc y'know.. incest is NOT the way to go. But when they actually ended up together it just didn't sit right with me. I mean this story was ok, some things were kind of confusing like the sudden timeskip, because I'm pretty sure I didn't see anything about that (or I was just scrolling really fast idk) and that dude with glasses suddenly came to Korea like what??? also does anyone think that during/after ch 10 doyeon's mood swings were just like yeah kyujin made a good choice but like wtf??? He just left BOTH of them after having sex with doyeon???? And of all things,,,, a shabby place on a island wtf I swear every chapter I had to put down my phone and contemplate my life choices author, your way of manhwas is fuckin wild wtf yes I've typed wtf so many times in this review because actually what the fuck also for the people really crying about the story,,,, bro you have better things to cry about just not this infuriating story
Honestly I don't like this manhwa because of... everything? I'm just so frustrated like this is some love triangle that's been dragged out for 25 chapters The main problem was kyujin being a dumbass and swinging back and forth between doyeon and jimin lmao... I was originally rooting for jimin bc y'know.. incest is NOT the way to go. But when they actually ended up together it just didn't sit right with me. I mean this story was ok, some things were kind of confusing like the sudden timeskip, because I'm pretty sure I didn't see anything about that (or I was just scrolling really fast idk) and that dude with glasses suddenly came to Korea like what???
also does anyone think that during/after ch 10 doyeon's mood swings were just like
yeah kyujin made a good choice but like wtf??? He just left BOTH of them after having sex with doyeon???? And of all things,,,, a shabby place on a island wtf
I swear every chapter I had to put down my phone and contemplate my life choices
author, your way of manhwas is fuckin wild wtf
yes I've typed wtf so many times in this review because actually what the fuck
also for the people really crying about the story,,,, bro you have better things to cry about just not this infuriating story