
Says_fu July 21, 2020 6:14 am

I don’t particularly like Jeannette (I don’t hate her)but I do feel bad I can’t imagine having the person who you looked up tell you you aren’t the most important person in their life I feel sorry for her I do hope she can find a family she can feel stable in#-.-)

    Your Name July 21, 2020 7:24 am

    Her bio father actually has a but potential i think even though he's sort of the villain. But i think they're gonna turn jaennette into an actual villain I'm not exactly sure though

    Your Name July 21, 2020 7:24 am
    Her bio father actually has a but potential i think even though he's sort of the villain. But i think they're gonna turn jaennette into an actual villain I'm not exactly sure though Your Name
