
criticalrox July 20, 2020 8:33 pm

And that is why I scoff at Meng Yao/Jin Guanyao apologists. It's not that Meng Yao is capable of /either/ great good or great evil, he's capable of doing /both/ at the same time. Which was why I think it was so hard for Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue, who both see things as black and white, to see Meng Yao for who he really is. Lan Xichen couldn't accept that Meng Yao did evil things for evil reasons when he was so good to him (because for him only evil people do evil things and Meng Yao is definitely a good person) and Nie Mingjue was angry he ever put his trust in a evil person (not considering that Meng Yao may have performed good acts for /both/ good and evil reasons). Meng Yao just wants to get ahead no matter what it takes. The moment he was rejected by his father and kicked down the stairs in humiliation, his goals were to obtain power and get revenge. No one is safe from his wrath, not even his wife and child... (⊙…⊙ ) tl;dr Lan Xichen sees Meng Yao as a good person. Nie Mingjue sees an evil person. Black and white perspective. Meng Yao is simply a person who commits acts to get ahead, keep his power, and get revenge, no matter if they are "good" or "evil".

    neonpoop July 21, 2020 2:29 am

    I think this may just be the best take I’ve seen of the relationship between MY/NMJ/LXC.

    Merunya July 21, 2020 3:31 am

    This was such a greatly worded explanation of their relationship and also the main pushing theme of the whole damn book, not to see in black and white.