Sexuality Question

Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 4:32 pm

Hey guys! So I may or may not be bisexual. Can someone tell me how they figured it out/their experiences with bisexuality?

    Tavi October 10, 2014 8:09 pm
    Hahaha that's probably how I would be with my family. And I'm Glad our conversation has helped others as well!!! I think talking about it is very important rather than keeping it bottled. Twinpowerhm

    That's one thing I love about the internet, it's amazing how much better you can feel just about talking about stuff that makes you feel like you're so alone and knowing that there are people out there who actually feel the exact same way. Family and school can really mess up your mind when they try to keep you conformed into these set roles, when life is so not about set roles and is as vast as the ocean!

    Btw if anyone reading is interested, you can also find me on Tumblr, and there are some great bi and aromantic groups on there where you can chat too.
    On Tumblr I am Look me up if you're bored! hehe

    MOI? October 10, 2014 8:12 pm

    haha although i say i like men, just get me drunk and you can do anything to me, whatever you are (hopefully not an animal though -the least i'd like is to get done by a dog or something) LOL we were discussing this with my bro: would you get aroused with a man? the conclusion we reached: put a blindfold on, and whether man or woman, a human body will react to the touch of another. so yeah -given the circumstances :))

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 8:17 pm
    haha although i say i like men, just get me drunk and you can do anything to me, whatever you are (hopefully not an animal though -the least i'd like is to get done by a dog or something) LOL we were discussing... @MOI?

    You know when you put it that way, I can totally see myself as Bisexual. If I had a blindfold on, I'd still be sexually attracted with the girl/guy consensually touching me.

    MOI? October 10, 2014 8:23 pm

    yup, yup! my point is: why do human beings are so keen on labels in order to alienate and separate individuals based on sexual preferences? pfft what now? a sexual hierarchy? i love you all! just like that :)) not on a romantic way -nooo don't, or i'll run away LOL

    Tavi October 10, 2014 8:48 pm

    lol Personally if you blindfold me you won't get me aroused at all through touch no matter who is doing the touching. What you get is me pissed off and very irritated? Blindfolds freak me out, consensual my voice says no. lol For me Bi means that I look at a beautiful woman and I think I want to sleep with her and make her feel amazing while I feel amazing. And I look at a beautiful man and I think I want to have sex with him and make him feel as amazing as I feel.

    I admit labels can be a very annoying thing, but in today's society they can also be a very welcoming thing. Do you know how pleased I was to know there was a term that I could apply to myself that I could give people to explain why I didn't fall in love? Do you know how freeing it is to not stand there in silence while they tell you that don't worry you'll be fine, you're normal, you'll find the one, and it's ok you'll understand one day. When in your mind no...I won't. I don't feel like you feel! And you want to scream it but there's no words that can make them understand. And then one day you learn there is a word and it's simple and it's a definition. And you can tell someone and if they're confused you can be like, here go on google. look it up. this is me! And I'm not alone!!

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 8:52 pm

    That's wonderful =) Words and applying terms can be very important. I, personally, don't like not having a label that won't describe my sexuality. Having the word/label makes me feel more comfortable.

    Tavi October 10, 2014 8:55 pm
    That's wonderful =) Words and applying terms can be very important. I, personally, don't like not having a label that won't describe my sexuality. Having the word/label makes me feel more comfortable. Twinpowerhm

    See label's can be good just as long as you remember they're not set in stone and you may change as you experience more life. I find it much more difficult to deal with people who assign labels for life or believe that what someone said 10 years ago applies to who they are today. It's like really? The person I was 10 years ago is so far from who I am today I can't even imagine us talking to each other. lol

    MOI? October 10, 2014 8:56 pm

    good point, good point ( o_o)" **nod nod... BTW: "I want to sleep with her and make her feel amazing while I feel amazing"... '(*_* ) i'd really like to watch

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 8:58 pm

    There's this article that I saw one day while looking at the New York Times magazine that, when I saw it, I was like. Wow. I think this is me. Check it out:

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:02 pm
    good point, good point ( o_o)" **nod nod... BTW: "I want to sleep with her and make her feel amazing while I feel amazing"... '(*_* ) i'd really like to watch @MOI?

    LoL Sorry voyeurism is not one of my kinks. Now threesomes can be fun...

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 9:07 pm

    Have you guys ever had a threesome? Hmm. Seems like it would be difficult to manage?

    MOI? October 10, 2014 9:08 pm

    LOL at least i had to try :')) ah-hahahaha..ha ...wait, threesome?!

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:09 pm
    There's this article that I saw one day while looking at the New York Times magazine that, when I saw it, I was like. Wow. I think this is me. Check it out: Twinpowerhm

    That is an excellent article and definitely shows a lot of the problem and issues that bisexual people have to deal with. Some of those lines they used as examples I have literally heard from people I would considered extremely close friends. Painful painful stuff. But yes hope is out there and we grow strong as we press forward!

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 9:12 pm
    Have you guys ever had a threesome? Hmm. Seems like it would be difficult to manage? Twinpowerhm

    Well, threesomes in general. I mean. Anyway, it is a good article!

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:13 pm
    Have you guys ever had a threesome? Hmm. Seems like it would be difficult to manage? Twinpowerhm

    I actually am very fond of threesomes and sometimes more. There is a remarkable amount of pleasure that can be given and taken in the human body and you don't really realize it until you are in the situation. Too often sexual contact for most people is simply one on one. So you know you can kiss here, touch that and put your hands here, but that's all you can do just because of how your bodies are attached. But now you have another who can touch you in other places who you can touch in other places while being in full intercourse with another. And this can be mindblowing in terms of feelings and experiences. Now it is not for everyone, I don't think people who are seeking a relationship exclusive like between each other should really do a threesome. All it will really do is lead to some jealousy and anger. But for sexual pleasure it really is fantastic, especially if you have open willing partners who know that before you jump into bed and screw that you need to talk. You need to be able to be with someone who you can say I like it when this is done to me, I hate it when this happens. I've never tried this but I'm open to it. Or I've never tried this but it scares me. Communication is key!

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 9:17 pm

    You do make a good point. I think I'd rather have just one partner. Having more than one could lead to, as you said, jealousy/anger, etc. Also, I'm a romantic, so finding someone I can truly cherish/get serious with and feel good with would be great! Obviously, everyone can have different objectives in relationships. =)

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:26 pm
    You do make a good point. I think I'd rather have just one partner. Having more than one could lead to, as you said, jealousy/anger, etc. Also, I'm a romantic, so finding someone I can truly cherish/get serious... Twinpowerhm

    Yup yup! That's why communication is always good to focus on with any couple, way to often we seem to think that the person we're with is going to just know what we're thinking or know what we want. I mean even in terms of sex do you know there are literally 100's of positions and techniques and only a small portion of them will affect how you enjoy sex! How can you possibly expect your partner to just figure it out without talking to them about it. Even if the conversation is I've never done this before so I don't know what feels good, it gives you ideas and things that should and shouldn't do! I mean honestly it's bad enough that so many people have honestly no idea what the human body is about that not even bothering to talk to your partner messes with my head!

    I mean there are still people out there who think that virgin girls can't enjoy sex the first time and will bleed and it has to hurt. Or that a vagina if 'over-used' get loose! I mean really! So my vagina can literally expand to push out a baby but you think having sex is going to loosen up a group of muscles that are stronger than your abs! lol

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 9:30 pm
    Yup yup! That's why communication is always good to focus on with any couple, way to often we seem to think that the person we're with is going to just know what we're thinking or know what we want. I mean even... Tavi

    Communication is always always necessary. And I'm a virgin, so I thought sex does hurt the first time and you do bleed sometimes because of the hymen (if you're having penetrated sex)?

    Tavi October 10, 2014 9:37 pm
    Communication is always always necessary. And I'm a virgin, so I thought sex does hurt the first time and you do bleed sometimes because of the hymen (if you're having penetrated sex)? Twinpowerhm

    Nope! Well ok technically no. If your partner is good and by good I mean a good lover not good at please themselves, then you will get to enjoy a great deal of foreplay. At which time your body will naturally be aroused and your will loosen up and you'll become receptive. The hymen when you are aroused is a very loose and fluid material and does not break during sex. It does not need to be torn or ripped through at all actually. When it hurts, when it's torn it's because you're not ready to have sex, you're body isn't aroused enough. And quite often if you participate in sports or horseback ride or bike ride at all you've probably already torn your hymen. It tears easily in those situations because your body is not aroused and your hips are being shifted around dramatically.

    So if you start to have sex with someone and it hurts tell them to stop, tell them you're not loose enough yet and that they need to do more foreplay before they can enter. If your partner isn't considerate enough to want you to feel good then honestly do you really want to give them yourself in the first place?

    By the way a point for guys out there, if your partner is very tight, then chances are you are not turning her on at all and she's faking it. When a woman is aroused the vagina naturally becomes loose and easily entered. It can expand up to 200%, so trust me having a penis inserted is not going stress out an aroused woman.

    Twinpowerhm October 10, 2014 9:42 pm

    That was really informative! Thanks! I really didn't know that at all.