Yeah, just let me grab my rose colored glasses and I'll be right there with you. Its always been my experience that lovers start off by trying wrists together to prevent escape, and then taping your mouth shut so you can't cry out for help. Yeah, they're lovers, how could I have missed that. Oh, and that part where he says he loves to teach "guys like you a lesson" and "I guess I don't have to go easy on you" and then proceeds to ram it painfully in is just another aspect of true love I'm unaware of. Thanks for enlightening me.

Lol, obviously you, for some reason want the relationship between these two to work out in some fashion or another. Do you realize that the correction you made to my "misquote" was actually worse than what I said. Did you go back and review that chapter and after doing so can actually believe that this is the beginning of a healthy and loving relationship? I am in no way telling you that you have to believe as I do, but I am truly flabbergasted that you can defend the actions of the seme and accuse me of looking at them through a "hate hazed helmet", are you just arguing for the sake of arguing or do you truly believe what you're saying. I think you and I will never come close to agreeing on any point regarding this story, and that's all it is, a story, make believe, cruel as it is it's still just fiction. One does have to wonder though, if you think cruelty in fiction such as this is okay as a prelude to love, what are you willing to accept. Oh and you're welcome as well.

No, man, I just thought it was a cool phrase (plus I've read this several times)
hmm. I like this comment. I actually hate violence. I don't mind rape LOL
I like the story, art, funny parts, LeeKang's amazing bod, and now we know he's a fabulous cook, that it has baseball ,and that Junho throws a hellofa fastball. (Did you notice the penis in the middle of all that blood. fuck my life. I don't want that to happen!) I hate violence!
Well, yeah, rape at the beginning makes the love so much more rewarding. LOL Thanks for asking. I love you, too.

Do you even read what you write, I, like you, will probably follow this story to the end because I've got to to see how the author will turn this into a love/redemption story. I think I see where you're at now, the seme is definitely hot, no doubt, and you want him to be happy because you're feeling those eyes and thighs. But, "rape at the beginning makes the love so much more rewarding", I truly hope you said that just to get a reaction, because if that's how you really feel I predict lots and lots of pain and therapy in your future. For the record, I didn't ask (no clue what you're talking about there) and you can keep your love, I like a little kink like the next guy but you are definitely too far gone for me.
I've read a lot of yaoi where the relationship starts off with either blackmail or rape, usually both. This one however began with one of the most violent rape scenes I've seen to date, and each subsequent encounter was just as bad if not worse with the seme walking away satisfied that he had humiliated and physically hurt his "victim". The only thing lacking was him actually spitting in the ukes face, well I guess he kinda metaphorically did when he left him sprawled over the toilet and said "that felt good" as he walked away without a backward glance at the mess he left him in. I just cannot accept that this is going to turn into a "I love you regardless of how much you've hurt me, because your past trauma justifies the pain and degradation you put me through". I don't care if he's discovered that anal sex can be amazing, that discovery can also be made in less painful and traumatic ways. I've read stories where the rapist repents and love does grow from initial mistakes, it's yaoi, I'm not that naive. If this turns into a forgiveness and I love you no matter how horrid you treated me story, I might actually explode. For once, please let the uke forgive him because he understands the seme is psychologically effed up, but let him walk away.