I think it's bc people sympathize with athy a lot. Although she never hated jennette for her naivety and ignorance, we do. Bc athy was robbed of the happiness she deserved. yet she never antagonized anyone and only blamed her own insufficiency. You just can't like someone who is only looking for their own comfort and well-being, someone who sets her mind, ["Oh, I just cant continue on living full of guilt and regret, athy wouldn't like that so I should just be happy and move on"] days after the death of her sister, who was killed by her(athy)own father because of her(jennette). I may not feel that much *hate* for her, but I can't blame the people who do. Yes, she never did anything much but to want to belong to a family, but circumstances just happened to be at her disadvantage and what she wants would only hurt the people involved. Her lack of suspicion and credulity is truly astounding to the point where you just cant help but to pity her alongside with the feeling of antipathy.

Yep. Also hardly anyone ever points out Claude's fault. He was the one who got Diana pregnant, and then blamed her for wanting to.continue with the pregnancy when it became clear that she might die. Who's the one suffering the most here? Diana.
Then he decides that instead of taking responsibility for his own daughter, and respecting his relationship with Diana he decided to use black magic to forget her. To leave your own daughter the way he left Athy, without a proper father, without love, terrible.
Then under the influence of that dark magic he continued to ignore and neglect his daughter in her first life, and ultimately had her killed without looking into the truth. This, I will allow, might have been under the influence of dark magic, or for any other malicious interference. But that does not mean, that had he not tried to forget Diana, the woman he "loved" or his very own daughter, who he is responsible for because no matter what she is his daughter, this wouldn't have happened.
Even in this life, Athy just happened to be lucky that Claude found her when she was 5 and the magic was complete. What if that wasn't the case?
People will say ill about Jeannette with a glee that is positively sickening. But will continue to not even bother to point out how irresponsible and cruel Claude has been throughout. No then it's always "he had a sad childhoods".
Jeannette hasn't even done anything bad intentionally. She is constantly being manipulated. No one other than Athy really even cares for her. She gave Athy a place to stay when she had nowhere to go. She gave her tea and dresses and tried to keep her happy because she loves her.
Claude's bad behaviour is seen as justified for whatever reason. He let Jeannette almost drown last chapter without a concern. When he was the one who kept calling her whenever he needed her for his headaches. That's so cruel.
Honestly I don't want to see Jeannette become twisted and mean, but considering that her real father and mother created her to be a tool in the first place, and that her adoptive father Mr. White also just sees her as a tool, and the guy she loves fell for someone else not once but twice, and that too the first time was when he was her fiance?? And that she is cursed chimaera whose cursed to bring misfortune to the people she loves. That's a great villain origin story to me.

although claude's actions shouldnt be justified, he should be sympathized
his name literally means "limping" like who tf would name their child that way? then a person he used to be so close to, his brother anastasius, ends up taking the woman who told him he'd never leave her (theyre both shitty af) then anastasius kills his mom and ascends the throne. that amount of mental pain is agonizing.
claude becomes the emperor and lives a life of indifference to love and feelings. he then meets diana who he believed would finally be able to give him that. but then she dies and leaves him with those feelings that only end up eating him inside.
its actually pretty common for men whose wives die in childbirth to react that way. then again claude just needs therapy basically

His actions are wrong. Sympathy goes in as far as feeling bad for him. But when his actions have lead to catastrophic consequences, no one is obligated to brush them off aside.
He is also an adult, an emperor and a father. He is responsible for his daughter's well-being. I care less about him being left alone, than I care about him abandoning and neglecting his own daughter. Why? Because Claude is an adult, and Athy was a helpless baby. He could've chosen to be a responsible father, to learn to love his daughter, and in turn let her love him. But he takes the coward's way out. I sympathize with him. I feel bad for him. He shouldn't have had to go through all that. Still doesn't make his decisions okay.
The boy Jeannette loves also fell in love with someone else. Twice. Her parents created her out of dark magic, just to serve a purpose. Her adoptive father also sees her and uses her as a tool. People keep using and manipulating her. She is in and of itself a cursed existence. No one bothers to extend her the same sympathy they do to Claude.You see, you just exactly proved my point.
People do this all the time. If Claude has a sad story, so does Jeannette. The difference is that Claude is an adult and a father and an emperor with lots of power. Whereas Jeannette is a 15 year old kid who's been lied to her whole life and just wants a family. She has -at least upto this point - not does anything intentionally malignant. But just watch in the comments people frothing at the mouth at her drowning. She doesn't know what is going around her because no one bothers to tell her. And Mr. White has forbidden her from asking questions.
Claude let her literally almost drown last chapter. How the fuck is that related to his trauma? That was just plain indifference. And it was cruel to the kid. But not a single comment calling him out on it. No, people were too busy cheering for an innocent kid almost drowning cuz they hate her.
Lol where do you love where most men do this? You mean all these widowed fathers just up and abandon their kids? That's not a good look lmao. The kid is their responsibility like it or not. And they need to step up to it.

Sure people do favor claude over jeanette for a ton of biased reasons that shouldn't be justified. But if we're gonna go with that route of weighing their tragedies in life then I'd like to point some things out as well.
claude's an asshat dad sure and jeanette's being hated even though she did nothing bad to receive it. I personally find that immature for fans to treat jeanette like that when it wasn't her fault in the first place. She's as much of a victim as athy.
But that doesn't mean I'm gonna drag claude down to prove that jeanette deserves as much sympathy as hes got. The same goes for athanasia cause apparently everyone's saying she's felt more pain than jeanette cause she was reborn and yada yada.
Sure claude's an adult and should've taken the responsibility of raising his daughter even if it meant being haunted by his lover's dead spirit. But that's exactly it. The concept of being an adult for him was taking the throne, proving he's capable of so much more, and pushing through life even though he has a ton of reasons not to. He never was and -up until athy was reborn and sucked up to him- would never had been a family man. Doesn't justify his actions, never will i get it.
Letting jeanette drown was related to his trauma. Trauma shapes character, attitude, personality, decisions, personal development. It's mental stuff that we can't explain unless we've actually experienced it. He did the same to athy mainly because he didn't like her, but also because he never liked kids. Still doesn't justify his actions, I think so too.
Step up to it is the only option that should be considered. But sometimes emotional wounds are too deep to choose that route. Unjustified, yes.
But EMPATHY at least. For him, for jeanette, for athy, all the characters who had it tough.

Point taken. I actually really agree that Claude have a part on the blame, to be completely biased on somebody based on his feeling of attachment specially when it's between her daughters, or rather those who consider him as a father, is undoubtedly cruel.
But I don't think he truly didn't want to have a child with Diana nor did he want to blame her, the person he loves, but only wanted her to reconsider the idea of bearing one because it's eating away her life. I mean, anybody would be terrified of the idea of losing their beloved.
Claude has always been rendered ruthless and detached from the world especially after killing his brother for the throne, having countless of concubines until he met Diana.
He needed somebody to blame for Diana's death, [that being Athy] because Diana is the first woman he had truly loved. We know when he loves, he loves deeply.[(1)Him giving Athy the death verdict because he thought Athy poisoned Jennette, (2)and him sacrificing himself when he deemed that Athy's life is in danger when her magic becomes too excruciating]--is enough of an attestation. So is it not a daft comparison [of him leaving Athy by herself, without any parental love because it pains him to see the child whom, in his point of view, killed Diana] compared to the other two he has done? But he proved himself still capable to love and care for another, case in point being Jennette on the first life, and Athanasia on the second.
And I think people didn't make a big deal out of Claude's actions of just looking at Jennette while she was drowning because he did the same with Athy. He's considered stony-hearted after all.
Everything you said on the last paragraph, that I am in accord of, but as you have said, it's always the "sad childhoods".
And as I have said, people do not hate on her because she is evil, but because she is not. she's close to Athanasia, and that's why she can hurt her more. Remember when she asked Athy what she'll feel if, hypothetically speaking, they are sisters. Athanasia was ready to give herself up in order for them to be happy,[As Lucas have pointed out, Athanasia has a record of doing so] but Jennette is [still] not able to do that. [because she's unaware. Which is why some is annoyed by her]
In a way, what they're going and have gone through can be considered alarmingly similar, but the way they do things and the ways things have happened is also incredibly different.
Athy is by no means perfect. She's quick to yield and surrender even when she could've done something to change the way things are to her favor on her past life. They all have a fault to point out, they all have a weakness. But they try to overcome their weakness by searching for a solution, and people hate on Jennette because she doesn't even realize that her desire for a Claude and Athanasia as a family is a weakness. By no means do I reason this out that she doesn't deserve a family, but rather, she should come to understand that decisions have consequences, and also think for an alternative to tackle the problem that is in tune of everbody's welfare, not just hopefully thinking that things will soon turn out okay, not even doing anything to make things better.
I also don't want to see her turn out evil, but by succumbing to that only shows how shallow her character is. And to even mention, she just left Claude to die while he was calling out to her in their past life.
Again, what I feel about her is not *hate* per se, but I frankly dislike her as a character that takes too long to be aware of the danger she brings and too long to develop.
PS: I love hearing and giving out my take in what I read, so I wish my counter to your statement harbors no pinpricking :>>

This is the mindset which I feel that fuels the unnecessary hate for jennette. Like ' oh it's athy's turn to be happy & jennette already have received happiness in her past life' the thing is why is that now is only athy's turn to be happy? And why does it have to be that jennette can't be as happy as her? I mean I agree that athy did have a harsh past life but that is her, it not necessarily Jennette's fault. The thing about people saying jennette stole athy's happiness and whatnot, I can't fathom how and why they came to this conclusion. Like if it's about claude not loving athy and jennette so call 'stealing' her place it's just plain wrong. Why can't claude love both jennette and athy?? Who says claude can only love one? As far as I have seen most of the readers seem to have this mentality that just because jennette is not his real daughter, oh she taking athy's spot when Claude is the one who ignored athy for all her life and who was the one who didn't give her any love. Why blame the one who is receiving the love instead of finding fault with the person who is giving the love?
Another thing is that what baffles me is that her wanting a family and causing harm to which she has no knowledge of is getting more hate than those who have directly caused harm to athy. In this sense how about athy? She knew that her magic is causing some kind of pain for claude that whenever she is there for long Claude gets headache or smth which lucus explains. I mean she knows and is still doing because even then she still wishes to spend time with claude. I mean compare that to jennette who have no knowledge of is getting most of the hate.

I was pointing out the double standard. In the way people treat Claude, and in the way they treat Jeanette. Glad you agree that his trauma doesn't excuse his actions. The whole point of my post was to point out that people hate Jeanette with a vitriol which is unjustified and unwarranted.
I an not saying that Jeanette suffered more than Claude. I am saying that people brush off Claude's actions in the name of his tragic childhood, then turn around and post about wanting to dance cuz of Jeannette almost drowning. Exactly what you said here.

1. I don't hate Claude. The opposite, in fact. He is an interesting case study, as is the difference in the way the audience of this webtoon treats him and Jeanette, despite the overwhelming amount of similarity in certain situations.(Even with Mr. White and Claude's brother, Jeanette is unarguably the most hated character, despite not being an antagonist (atleast upto this point).
2. I don't think Claude hated the thought of Diana getting pregnant either. Nor do I think that he would've hated Athy had Diana been alive. But that's it. It was never Athy's fault that Diana was dying. Even if the reason Diana was dying was because of her pregnancy. Athy was
just a helpless fetus. Hating her makes no sense, and while emotions don't need to make sense, if they're hurting someone innocent, they need to be reigned in.
Claude wanted someone to blame? He did. And I understand that this was because ultimately it was him who got Diana pregnant. And he must have hated himself for it. But to decide to use black magic to completely erase the existence of the woman he loved from his mind? And the daughter they had TOGETHER? And to shirk his responsibilities and neglect her? That's not justified. (It doesn't need to be, I was just drawing a comparison as how we don't judge Claude with the same harsh lenses as we do Jeanette)
3. Claude does love deeply. I agree. That's not a fault. He just has shitty coping mechanisms. Which because he is the emperor, means that other innocent people need to suffer because of. Eg- Athy, Jeanette.
4. Lol no one ignored Jeanette drowning cuz it happened to Athy too. People celebrated. There were multiple threads here about how Jeannette 'deserved' to drown and die and leave Athy alone. There were multiple posts with multiple likes enjoying that Claude let a Jeannette almost drown.
And like I said - he had no problems using Jeanette to relieve his headaches. He just couldn't be bothered to save her life when she was drowning untill Athy nagged at him. No matter how you look at this, it's still cruel. And so was the reaction of the people who basically jeered and cheered at the sight of Jeanette drowing.
5. Jeanette is 15 years old. She's not an old soul like Athy. She's a kid. She has also been told from the time that she was young that she has a father and sister who will love her so much when they come to know about her. She has been fed this lie, right from when she was young. Again and again, from Mr. White - her adoptive father.
She has also been forbidden to ask questions by Mr. White. Whenever she asks him something, he brushes her off. No one bothers telling her what is going on. How is she supposed to learn, when no one tells her anything? This becomes a cycle, where she has learnt not to ask, cuz she'll likely not get any answers anyways. Unlike literally everyone else in this story, she is not an adult, doesn't have magical powers, or access to any avenue for information.
This combination results in Jeannette unquestioningly believing that she just has to stay patient. And her chance to recieve genuine familial love will come, if she does.
6. Uh, I honestly don't think that Athy just simply runs away. She has a survivor's mindset. She does what she thinks will keep her alive. Which, considering that this is her 3rd stint at life makes sense.
7. How is Jeannette becoming twisted shallow? A character is supposed to change as their surroundings change. Is she supposed to remain good and king and naive despite being used and manipulated? Her becoming a villain makes sense to me. We can agree to disagree here. I think Jeannette has potential to become a great villainess.
8. Athy was never ready to sacrifice herself for Jeannette? At least I don't recall. And why should she? Athy has already suffered a lot. Jeannette is not her responsibility.
9. ^_^ no offence taken. I love hearing different perspectives from other people too.

I get your point on this but I think Eddd had already said most of my points so I would just be adding a little. On the part about them going through somewhat similar situations. The thing is one wasn't build around lies but one was since from her childhood. The reason why we don't see much progress in her is because everyone, like I mean almost everyone except chpt 78 where White boy(forgot his name) told her his real feelings. The thing, it's not as easy as one might think to understand when that person has been kept in the dark for so long and is still is. Remember that one time when Jennette asked athy that hypothetically speaking if they were sisters how would they feel? Athy at first reacted badly to it. After that Jennette did evaluate herself and her word and think for herself on whether actually athy don't consider her and want her as a real sister as much as she was disappointed she was about have an epiphany. But guess what? The very next day athy told more lies again and right there sending her into her dream world. This shows that she is capable of doing so but just that there wasn't any opportunities place for her. Unlike us she miss almost all of the context to make any intellect leap that most readers are getting frustrated at.
Also on the part about athy sacrificing herself or something, I'm not sure what your talking about? But so far she did help Jennette in her first life but by all mean not sacrificing herself for Jennette and she doesn't need just like how Jennette doesn't need to, to earn as much respect with athy about being kind or self sacrificing. If we are talking about being kind and what not there is a very great example when athy had no home after being chased by Claude she offered her a shelter even knowing the fact that it might get her in trouble and spent time with her to keep her a company. Another would be buying her a bow? I think as she wanted to strengthen their bond. The thing is that most readers portray athy as the kind one who is super selfless and genuinely kind whereas Jennette as someone more of just stealing athy's spot and what not when the manga had already given slot of hint that she cherish both equally if not athy more. Especially that chpt 77 I think when she fell down and after they reached the shore and had picnic she was admiring their closeness.
So the final thing I wanna point out is that the readers are frugal with their sympathy. They can understand and accept Claude even though things he had done is worse or the fact that many of the hurt that athy had been through can be link directly or indirectly to some of the characters yet no one or at least very few points it out. The distribution of blame is very unfair, just like how they are emotionally invested in these characters,I have too. It's just sometimes sad and disappointing to see the most of the hate being biased because she is the second 'female' lead. I feel that this won't happen to the point of wanting her to die, if most of us can just share a little sympathy which ultimately will lead to understanding her situation and her behaviour itself just like we did with Claude even though apart from athy and red hair boy he is still a jerk.*omgg sry this seems like a lot rambling* ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so I hope to hear from you too about this.

1.) To speak for myself, I personally hate Mr. White and Anastacius more so than my dislike in Jeannette. But I think the root of people's hate is the past lifetime where Jeannette abandoned Claude as he was about to die and went along with Anastacius.
2-3) Yes, it was never Athy's fault, I'm glad that you think so. But as you've said, his shitty coping mechanisms is his lifeline for him. He didn't have any will to live his life meaningfully. i understand your standpoint that it should not be justified to just abandon your child and try to forget everything, but Claude wasn't taught of any of that. Considering he's an emperor without any family, someone who exterminated the whole parliament that's against him to get the the throne, it's natural that he doesn't have the principles that we do. The environment he grew up in, what he's learned from experience and know what to value, all of it differs from the morals we believe in. And most importantly, he's a king in a country of monarchy. We may have known the right morals one must possess from today's day and age, but Claude doesn't [growing as a child with tragic childhood like many of the characters here do]. So Diana was the first happiness he got exposed to, imagine the pain and horror he had to live to the point where he just want to forget everything.
4.) And wow, I'm ashamed I only got to notice it now, but people did cheer when Jeannette was drowning. I was only speaking of what I feel, and never made a big deal out of it [because as I said so, he did the same with Athy]. Indeed, it was cruel for him to use Jeannette to relieve his headaches, and now it's a double-edged sword that sucks on his lifeline but he used Jeannette like a tool on purpose. [But then again, Jennette was happy about that, which makes it all the more upsetting]
5.) Yes, she is a 15 year old. but as I've said, the root of the hate is the previous life where she got everything she wanted. She had a father who loved her even while knowing that he's not his real daughter and even killed his real daughter for her, a loving fiance who she married and an aunt who she treats as her family [even if the aunt was a two-faced b1tc---] and yet she had the guts to have the mindset [what I mentioned on my first comment] which only benefits her and even abandoned her father, [Claude] who loved her, when he was at his wits end. Honestly, Jennette in the second life is more of an unfortunate girl with a miserable fate because really, circumstances really can't let me like her.
Athy was also a 15 year old on the first life, she had the same circumstances, nobody on her side, treated as an offspring of the emperor and some woman he messed with, secluded from the high society all her life. She also believed her whole life that she's unwanted and unloved, which ultimately led to her demise. Jennette would've experienced the same fate she had with her first life, had Claude never saw Athy when she was 5 years old. The only thing that's keeping Jeannette from questioning things and dreaming is because she had always thought that she was really the daughter of the emperor, with her fantasies of a perfect family.
6.) Ofc, Athy is a fighter on the second life, I was ultimately talking about her first life when she did nothing but to accept her fate of dying with the hands of her own father, not doing anything to relinquish her honor, thinking that she just deserved it. Even Athy [The Athy who read the novel on her second previous "modern" life] thought that it was a pitiful but could've been an avoidable death. That's why knowing what's gonna happen, she decided first and foremost to keep as much as money as she can in order to survive outside of the castle. The only thing that kept her from doing so is because her love was reciprocated. She didn't give up on Claude, who wanted to kill her when he got an amnesia. But compared to Jennette, she left Claude when he was about to die.
7.) Because not questioning anything [ofc its also regrettable that she wasn't allowed to question but-] is just plain barmy. it's gullible of her to instantly believe that she's the daughter of an emperor without any explanation. And she's been manipulated from the start. What I meant by shallow is instead of correcting the foolishness that she's finally realized, she'll instead succumb on to hatred and the feeling of being used. I never really liked the good, kind, and naive she is, while simultaneously being unconscious of everything. But I also agree, I would want to see how great of a villainess she can be, her good nature has been thrown into a waste with her miserable setting after all.
8.) No, I was talking about how she never forced herself to fit in on that 'perfect' royal family that was portrayed, knowing that she isn't liked by the emperor. I'm sorry if I made it sound like she sacrificed herself for Jennette. But for me, it's considered a sacrifice to distance yourself in order not to destroy one's comfort [which as I said that Jennette is unable to do. Not that I want her to end up with a bad story]
9.) I'm glad to hear ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I also get that Jennette had a difficult past. But I do know that Jennette had no ill intentions when she brought up the topic of them being sisters. And I also don't think that Athy had lied in any means when she pardoned herself [that it took her by surprise when Jennette suddenly talked about that last night] the next morning. Considering that she's been running away from her dad [who wanted to have her harmed], to talk about matters that she already knows but is having a hard time to accept, is no easy feat. They both reflected upon it and understood that.
And I also find it wretched that she wasn't able to be aware of anything due to the environment that she grew up in, it's something that I don't want to blame her about but I also find it quite vexing that she never tried to find anything by herself, just like what Athy did in her first life.
And, sorry for the misunderstanding but I meant that she knowingly distanced herself [in the first life] from Jennette and Claude in order not to break the loving aura the both of them radiates. [also because she knows Claude doesn't acknowledge her as his daughter].
And of course, not to invalidate all her doings or anything, but Jennette was kind and thoughtful of Athy from the very start because she already thinks of her as her sister. She's kind and loving by nature, but being her sister does the part. [which is also why she's so touched by everything Athy does for her because she (thinks) knows that she's the only one who knows they're "real" sisters and yet Athy is so considerate of her]
And I also don't particularly see Athy as the selfless girl they deemed her to be, because she loves her dad. It's congenital to want the best for the ones we love. She's attentive of what Jennette wants and needs, but also mindful of what will be of use for her dad.
And I agree with your last paragraph. People can really hate on a character so irrationally without even understanding why they hate them and simply think it's because they're annoying.
But even if I understand, does not equal to me accepting her. I still dislike her, not really hate. But I think I can come to like her if she's gonna be able to discern and to be astute with the things that she's come to realize that is not on her favor.
And no worries aaaa, If to say, I'm also rambling just to prove a point. I really like having discussions like these, makes me realize a lot of things that I miss when I'm just thinking for myself! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Okay lemme just clear up or asking some stuff.
1.) Firstly on your fifth point on Jennette abandoning Claude?? When? I mean she ran to him quickly when he called for her and was really worried that he was being in so much pain? Also she looked equally as surprised as me when dark Claude came into view. I don't think she was betraying Claude at all. From my point she definitely was helping Claude. I think it's cause dark Claude called her? That's why they thought she was betraying Claude? But if you look again I am very sure that the way they portray it was that Jennette was like the third wheel who doesn't even know what the hell is going on if not she won't even run to Claude with that worried look of hers.
2.)for the 7th point I find her to be gullible but I mean if the manipulation starts from childhood I don't really know if one can be even able to see things apart from what they were taught with. Also I am not sure about what your talking about is it the novel? Or the manga? If your talking about the novel I think she became a villian if I remembered and of course it's right that she should have corrected it but as it's just as understandable as Claude, I feel that hers is even more of a betrayal. Like when Claude killed his bro and almost his fiance? Yes morally speaking is wrong and shouldn't have gone that way but if looking at the emotional side the hatred and sadness is really heavy especially when it comes crashing without any warning. But I mean that's just my opinion.
Feel free to disagree I would like to hear your thoughts! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

1.) I see now that it can be portrayed that way for some people. But for me, I took it in a rather negative light because the illustrations showed some rumors floating as she was about to go near Claude.[ Of course she's her father. Anybody would obviously go to their father if they had been lying on the floor, with visible display of pain in their face.] And I perceived it as like she was feeling scared or rattled or even just stupefied, in any case she was still hesitant to help him out and decided to go with Anastacius when he called her, all the while Claude was calling for her name. I don't know maybe she was just startled, or dazed but doesn't change the fact that she walked away from Claude nearing his death-- atleast that was how I comprehended things. Maybe some people also interpreted it that way, as I said, the root of the hate for Jennette rather than her second life.
2.) Maybe as a child, there'd be no doubt that you'll believe in fairy tales so easily. But as she's growing, not being able to question why some things are the way they are- that is what I consider gullible at least. Even if she wasn't allowed to question things. She showed no sign of suspecting the order of her family and just firmly wished and dreamed how it's gonna be so fantastic once Claude knew that she was his 'daughter' and they're gonna be a happy family together. Being naive as a child is one thing, but being naive as a teenager is already a disposition.
Maybe I'm too harsh with a child who only wished for a family, but the problem is she's wishing for the wrong one without even knowing that it's wrong. [which I also stated on my first comment]
And I wasn't talking about the novel or the manhwa, it's just that Eddd said that Jennette probably has the potential of becoming a great villainess because she certainly has the attributes of becoming one-- With her kind, caring but naive personality which puts her in a disadvantage. And circumstances doesn't allow her to freely love the way she wants and so many people antagonize her for that. [Which I agree bc who wouldn't go for a villainess who was treated wrong despite their good nature and has valid reasons to become evil?]
[TBHHHH, even if I don't like Jennette as a 2nd Female Lead, I'd probably love her as a villainess. Would totes still dislike her foolishness tho wheeze]
I also haven't read the novel so I wouldn't know LMAOOO. No worries about the spoiler though, I've already read so many :>>
Agree to Disagree! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
im hearing the spoiler but i don't feel bad for jennette, athy deserves all the love because she is really lovable and she suffered a lot in her first life. she was treated badly from everyone, claude never loved her and athy watched him love jennette who is not even his daughter and in the end she was killed by claude and i think jennette didn't even tried to save her
comparing to what athy went through jennette should feel lucky. its athy's turn to be happy