bruh what how she got her period if she has parker’s mark on her , isnt she pregnant?

krazynbaby July 19, 2020 4:49 pm

bruh what how she got her period if she has parker’s mark on her , isnt she pregnant?

    kitsune July 19, 2020 5:11 pm

    She gets the mark if they have sex not if she's pregnant, if you remember when Curtis did it the first time she didn't get pregnant but got the mark.

    Foxtrot July 19, 2020 7:13 pm
    She gets the mark if they have sex not if she's pregnant, if you remember when Curtis did it the first time she didn't get pregnant but got the mark. kitsune

    I thought she gets the mark if they bite her or something? Isnt that how she got the snakes mark in the first place? He bit her on the boob lol

    kitsune July 19, 2020 7:15 pm

    No he raped her and then she got the mark

    kitsune July 19, 2020 7:19 pm

    And the stronger the feelings are results in where the mark is

    So cause he raped her the marks on her ankle

    Whereas parkers was done with. Consent so it's near the heart, and she felt more love at the time

    The time with Curtis was just scary for her

    sxmplixiti July 19, 2020 8:55 pm

    it's a good time waster plus with all the dang reborn/reincarnated/issekai stuff this one is pretty unique and refreshing it's not the greatest but it's good enough

    sxmplixiti July 19, 2020 8:58 pm
    it's a good time waster plus with all the dang reborn/reincarnated/issekai stuff this one is pretty unique and refreshing it's not the greatest but it's good enough sxmplixiti

    oh ma gawd im so sorry I replied to the wrong thing ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    vihuff July 20, 2020 12:24 am

    Okay for clarification because some people have their facts wrong.

    1. She's had sex with Curtis once. In their house in town, after she agreed, resulting in the babies. He never raped her.

    2. She got his mark early on during the chase with the colossals. Curtis bit her. It was his way of claiming her and protecting her by lending her his power.

    3. His mark is so far from her heart because he forced it on her as a last resort and they barely knew each other at the time. She likes him now.

    vihuff July 20, 2020 12:34 am
    No he raped her and then she got the mark kitsune

    Curtis bit her to give her his mark. He never raped her. They've only had sex once.

    Hayhay July 20, 2020 6:54 am
    Curtis bit her to give her his mark. He never raped her. They've only had sex once. vihuff

    Lol thank you for clarifying that i was waiting for someone to say the right thing and how it actually happened it literally talks about the bite mark on her chest and curtis mark that appeared on her leg after the fact. And its true he never raped her...idk how they got that idea but oh well.

    kitsune July 20, 2020 2:28 pm

    If you refer back to it it literally says. "He going to rape me" followed by a "aaaaaahhhhh"

    It's not unreasonable that some might have been confused by this

    And yes he probably bite her, but it's not like we saw the bite mark

    Foxtrot July 20, 2020 9:48 pm
    If you refer back to it it literally says. "He going to rape me" followed by a "aaaaaahhhhh" It's not unreasonable that some might have been confused by thisAnd yes he probably bite her, but it's not like we sa... kitsune

    I swear we see him sink his teeth into her boob at the scene you're describing and she spends like two chapters talking about how her boob hurts from the bite lol

    kitsune July 20, 2020 9:58 pm

    Yeah but it indicated that she was raped

    And you wouldn't despise someone that much just from being bitten

    vihuff July 21, 2020 9:43 am
    Yeah but it indicated that she was raped And you wouldn't despise someone that much just from being bitten kitsune

    She was afraid he was going to because he pulled her top down. He only bit her, no rape. Right after she was bit, Muir flew off with her.

    SlySpice July 21, 2020 12:32 pm
    Yeah but it indicated that she was raped And you wouldn't despise someone that much just from being bitten kitsune

    She wasn't raped but still forced to have a spousal mark. It said the snakeclan has a secret technique to create a mark without sex... thats the reason Bai faked an abortion

    kitsune July 21, 2020 2:00 pm
    She wasn't raped but still forced to have a spousal mark. It said the snakeclan has a secret technique to create a mark without sex... thats the reason Bai faked an abortion SlySpice

    Yeah but...that answers the original question...that other s have to have sex for the mark to appear...

    Cutie-chan July 21, 2020 10:43 pm
    And the stronger the feelings are results in where the mark isSo cause he raped her the marks on her ankleWhereas parkers was done with. Consent so it's near the heart, and she felt more love at the timeThe tim... kitsune

    He only forced the mark like any other werewolf story they can give mark without doing any sexual thing, yeah I read the whole novel

    Foxtrot July 22, 2020 7:13 am
    Yeah but...that answers the original question...that other s have to have sex for the mark to appear... kitsune

    No, the original question was asking how she wasn't pregnant if they could only get marked after they became pregnant, not after having sex