anyway @blue everyone has different opinions and yeah im sure ur history knowledge is not wrong but its a manhwa so i mean it doesnt have to par with reality etc. And when we say we want Nakyum to be the fiance its not like we are saying we want them to be engaged. We are also aware that its just a rumour but we want that fiance they are talking about to be Nakyum. Bc bro thats our OTP. Anyway we will see when its on 24th yeah?

why not? let me remind you, this is just fictional, don’t take it to hard feelings, let the Author choose what type of manhwa they want i can assure you there’s a lot of other manhwa’s that doesn’t do this rape to “love” shit, this is yaoi so ovbs it’s gonna have some insensitive stuff in it, the Author themself said they don’t dont usaully foliw those historical type shit
I swear if Nakyum is not the FIANCE i SWEAR i swear i really swear i..i..will cry so hard ╥﹏╥ my life will no longer be the same i will fall in the pits of depression. I will lose hope in humanity.