***I'm not sure about any of this as I didn't read the novel. This is just what I think I remember from a spoiler I read some time ago. If your want a clearer answer I would Google novel spoilers :))
Apparently in the past life jieun actually drugged the prince slowly or smth (I think Jena also helped but I'm not sure) which made him get angry issues and look detached from everything. It's basically why he became a dick. Not positive but I don't think he actually hated aristia back then before he went all psycho bc of the drug.
I think i saw that Jieun is seeking for revenge not for Ruve but Duke Zena. When Tia died, he poisoned the prince and controlled Jieun. But when Jieun had a baby and it was a girl, he killed both of them. Then when it's all done, Jieun was devasted by her choice that she got back to get revenge instead of going back to her family (the shitty god gave her a choice) then Ruve and Tia sent her to a far away country claiming she was dead to not cause a argument between the nobles and imperialist.
P.s. i just saw this on the comments too.
Major Spoilage:
Lol I just saw this when I was looking for more spoilers too. Apparently though she also hates Ruve for not loving her and Tia for stealing everyone's love after death, since ruve finally realized tia was a great empress and showed her love through actions, and the citizens hated jieun for making terrible political decisions.
The portrayal of ruve in the beginning, during the execution, also wasnt great because he actually wanted to spare tia and exile her but he was too weak to go against the other nobles like Duke Zena.
Oh and correction (of myself) on the poisoning. Duke Zena was actually manipulating Jieun and he was the one poisoning Ruve who thought if him as a father figure back then.
Why does ruve get redemption? what's the talk about the drugging? Why is jieun seeking revenge for ruve?? who loves who and who did what.. (plus anything else) im so confused.