I just want everybody to be well! Calm down!

PeroKeroro July 18, 2020 7:35 am

Damn every single one of them has problems. Guys we need to chill, the water coming out off my eye will cause the sea level to rise!

Btw, I really hate how immediate Akihito and Haruki story was concluded. Give me more of their growth since I am having hard time to adjust my views about their relationship. It felt rushed and leaves me the impression that Akihito is too selfish.

    ASigAlum14 August 4, 2020 10:29 am

    I don’t believe Akihiko is being selfish.............. he took sometime to focus and find solutions to his problems and even moved out of Haruki’s apartment so that he can be a better man for Haruki........ let’s not forget that Haruki did end up accepting Akihiko’s confession..... because in the end they both wanted to be together.