I don't think either should be omniscient. And I also have no problem with the protagonist having difficulties.
But the character doing a 180° personality wise is weird and unnatural, specially when it's the first chapters with her being a bad ass that attracted readers in the first place.
That and the very repetitive nature of these manhwa, between them using basically the same set up with very little variation, and the repetitive situations (like the aforementioned dumb vengeful family) makes you feel like you're reading the same shit over and over again.
Basically it all boils down to general poor writing
I'm gonna do some future plot predictions:
She smacks back on her trashy family, no matter how underhanded their scheme is (to the ponit that makes her look oniscient and them look stupid to perpetualy antagonize the multimilionaire girl they can't get the upperhand on)
That is until the apearance of the ML that beyond the rock solid belief that EVERYTHING is about him (As seen by the "briiant" line "Woman, you have successfully caught my atention" - ugh)
From that point on all the feminist girl-power agenda goes OUT the window. She only gets in trouble she can't get out from (wich is kind of weird for the "strogest female assassin in the world") and must-be-oniscient and all powerfull ML comes out of NOWHERE to save her directly or indirectly
That again and again to the point the FL looks stupid now and her family is now stupid².
Oh and some antagonist to the female lead is a woman with purple hair.