There's 5 possibilities I can think of for the fiancee...

Happyfish314 July 17, 2020 11:00 pm

1. It's a mistranslation that should mean "concubine" or "mistress" (I don't know, I'm not fluent in Korean, so this is just a guess of mine).

2. Seungho has decided he will marry Na-kyum, so he makes him crossdress and announces "she" is a noble lady from far away. This way, his orgy buddies can't exactly object. Actually, even his dad and brother can't object, and he can legally get married to Na-Kyum.

3. The "fiancee" is a rumour, it's Na-kyum under the blanket. There's no actual "fiancee". It's just to get his ex fuckbuddies to stop snooping around and plotting because that's just annoying as hell.

4. He's not disguising that Na-Kyum is male, he's just outright announced "I'm marrying this man, because I want to". It's his biggest "fuck you" to the society he's in. A double "fuck you" to learned sir who said Na-Kyum is only ever a prostitute. Seungho marrying him legally makes him a noble, so the exact opposite of a prostitute.

5. Crack theory: it's the assassin under the blanket. Seungho is on a mission to fuck 'em all, as long as they are hot.

Yeah. Keep the theory train going?

    Shwe July 17, 2020 11:06 pm

    yes only theory i will believe for now

    Happyfish314 July 17, 2020 11:18 pm
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    This is a good one...what would make him comply,though? I think Seungho doesn't give a crap about what his dad thinks, or his family's "honour" you think he's blackmailed or something??

    Shwe July 17, 2020 11:45 pm
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    i think there’s also a chance for it to be someone from his past since we’re getting a lot from his past

    Happyfish314 July 18, 2020 6:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Alithia

    Oh dannng, shit's about to go down!! I can't wait for the second season!! 8D