who would leave college and her house just to marry a poor boy!~~~

tokie October 4, 2014 7:34 am

who would leave college and her house just to marry a poor boy!~~~

    Anonymous October 4, 2014 9:56 am

    Princess Jasmine?

    Morcheeba March 10, 2019 6:40 pm
    Princess Jasmine? @Anonymous

    Yo, that guy had at least a floating rug. Mind you, that's the equivalent to a Tesla.
    Bottom line: if a guy opens up pandora's box with the unholy "if-you-love-me"-blackmail, he's got to be prepared for hell.
    Like in "HELL no".
    "Dear dumbfuck, if YOU love me, you can chill your testicles and let me finish college - instead of going all testosterone on me with 'want you all to myself'."

    Comadrin August 17, 2020 9:54 am
    Yo, that guy had at least a floating rug. Mind you, that's the equivalent to a Tesla. Bottom line: if a guy opens up pandora's box with the unholy "if-you-love-me"-blackmail, he's got to be prepared for hell. L... Morcheeba

    You tell 'em, Morcheeba!