I don’t get why ppl think their opinion in a persons love life matters. Like I’m sorry...

Cain’sservant July 17, 2020 9:28 am

I don’t get why ppl think their opinion in a persons love life matters. Like I’m sorry but unless you’re trying to get with said person why does their sexuality bother you. Everyone has standards and a type they don’t go around hooking up with whoever they see because of their sexuality. In conclusion ppl need to mind their own or they’re gonna catch these hands istg!!

    Curlyfries July 17, 2020 9:35 am

    Totally agree with you there

    Peppermint~Bitch July 17, 2020 9:43 am

    yes i totaaly agree. Oops sorry i accidentally disliked your post. Sorry But i agree with you they shouldnt care!

    maychan July 17, 2020 12:46 pm

    I agree but the culture of a pop star idol is a fuck up one. fans think they can decide who their idol will meet and who they are and how they should act and feel. and the country they are living in is not that open for gays people.

    Anime06 July 17, 2020 8:27 pm

    Exactly I mean love is love and the differences about every each one of us is what make us special right? I don't really understand why people needs to have prejudices about other people like guys we are in 2020 pls move on and be more smart, I feel like my grandmother was more open minded then all the kids and adults of nowadays. I know I'm still young but I can at least understand such simple things. And this isn't just for the LGBTQ+ community but for the other culture as well. I feel like we are returning into the past instead of moving into the future about these topic...

    Curlyfries July 17, 2020 9:00 pm
    Exactly I mean love is love and the differences about every each one of us is what make us special right? I don't really understand why people needs to have prejudices about other people like guys we are in 202... Anime06


    Anime06 July 17, 2020 10:12 pm
    Preach Curlyfries

    I mean I just said that I think (=・ω・=)(⌒▽⌒) and thank u eh eh even if people really need to think about how badly they can hurt others just by saying things in the wrong way...

    Anime06 July 17, 2020 10:12 pm
    I mean I just said that I think (=・ω・=)(⌒▽⌒) and thank u eh eh even if people really need to think about how badly they can hurt others just by saying things in the wrong way... Anime06
