How many stories have you read since you began on this app???

Dragon July 17, 2020 7:12 am

How many stories have you read since you began on this app???

    MJ420 July 17, 2020 7:16 am


    Electra July 17, 2020 7:18 am

    I lost count...

    Couch-Potato July 17, 2020 7:22 am

    I havn't been here long, but I have read 45 completed stories and have caught up to 166 ongoing stories, though there are still a few in there I need to catch up to at some point.

    DED =_= July 17, 2020 7:24 am


    suzue July 17, 2020 7:24 am

    I do read (lost count already) a lot but I'm just too lazy to add them in the lists

    babyv02 July 17, 2020 7:26 am

    I’ve completed 460 (probably more cause I used to not save and give it a rating) and I’m reading 510(I think)

    StretchyPussyflap July 17, 2020 7:29 am

    Doo doo fart

    Rainbow_stree July 17, 2020 7:42 am

    around 1200 which is added on the list and before when i was reading without any account i dont remember the number

    Kygnis July 17, 2020 7:58 am

    I lost count tho. I've read way more mangas than listed on this account bcs I forgot the pw of my first account lmaoo.

    ali July 17, 2020 8:18 am

    i just recently started using this account, so the number is way off. probably around 500~ish? idk lmao.

    Rice Is Best Girl July 17, 2020 8:19 am

    600+ or more since I didn’t add the others in my list lol