exactuly, that's my problemm with all cops are bad. someone said to me just because yu had a positive experience with a cop doesnt mean they're all good, but that can be flipped where you could say just becuase there's negative experiences with one cop doesntmean they're all bad. if i were to say that all blacks are criminals, not only would it be wrong and racist, but it would also get everyone infuriated, but it's suddenly ok because it allows an agenda through.
Idk just an opinion.
Cops where a uniform and arent only 1 race, black people are a race. So ya, that is racist. If i say i hate teachers, im not being racist because teachers arent all asian or middle eastern, just like cops arent all white. ACAB is directed towards the US police system which is bastardized, not the cops themselves but the system. (ACAB= All cops are bastardized). Acab is about how the police system treats the poor and POC, sex workers and the homeless. I hope you understand! Have a great day!!♡♡