It highkey breaks my heart she doesn't actually outright like him right now cause I can already feel hes gonna find out later her feelings werent genuine and hes just gonna close up again. :((( my heart breaks already
It highkey breaks my heart she doesn't actually outright like him right now cause I can already feel hes gonna find out later her feelings werent genuine and hes just gonna close up again. :((( my heart breaks ... Asia
I can already see it like got damnnnnn GIVE HIM TO US THENNN. and then shes gonna realize she likes him but then its too late or some shit and my hearts not ready for it send help. (⊙…⊙ )
I can already see it like got damnnnnn GIVE HIM TO US THENNN. and then shes gonna realize she likes him but then its too late or some shit and my hearts not ready for it send help. (⊙…⊙ ) Asia
HONESTLY THOUGH shit like this always happens and it’s fine for plot but not for my soul iM nOT reADy fOR tHe AnGsT T~T
Look if you don’t want Cabel, give him to us. We want him. P l e a s e