This is literally rape tf?
Rape by definition: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.
What kinda drugs you on cause I don’t want non of that shit.

turtle is an animal, not a gender. get it right next time.
It's not rude to assume someone's gender. don't be such a bitch.
Rape was already normalized, and the ceremony of innocence was drowned.
Well, in yaoi everything is rape. It's a wild fanatic movement where normal reasonable human beings like me are subjected to insanely "gender studies" indoctrinated bunch of the stupidest assholes ever created. An entire generation scrapped. worthless shit. I don't like you if you hadn't noticed

You tricked me. You gave me the impression that you had no sense of humor. then, instead of sporting a degree in "gender studies," which I was sure you had because you definitely show signs of being a radical ******** somewhere to the left of antifa. Anfuckingtifa, you come here and call me a pussy. I was sure that line about hoping you got raped was going to send you over the edge of a cliff. here you are alive. how dare you.

I have a rape list. This should annoy you hopefully here:
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/209246/ This should annoy you hopefully
and here's my underrated list, which is a good list that you don't deserve:
Some of y’all in the comments actually like this shit wtf I like yaoi but rape just too far