Andai aja ini story tamat pas fake saintess dipaksa nikah sama pangeran nar...
too much drama goddamn we all know she's going to find a solution so unnece...
Wooooooooow it's boring hahaha. Dropping this one. Still, thank you for t...
Probably the worst thing I've read this year. The plot is extremely boring....
can't wait 4 more chapters... you'd think they'd do test to see who's the real Saint' I mean come on, it's a given that this will lead to assassins, psychological warfare - of friends, love interests, the populous & etc.. This THING, & I do mean "THING" take's a free ride & steals all notoriety, the B!+(h, leech, can't make friends or lovers, so she'll lie, steal, cheat & plot to take everything that's so easy for the real Saint because she want's to obtain what she & real people who have a beautiful nature & souls. But I'm glad the Real Saint, she's fighting back her own way. To live in Unjust world. To find own her path. Her own Freedom. Her Own Life. I Hope She Kicks the "THINGS" Ass...