I've come to a realization that I can't fall in love... Idk what to do...

InsomniacEnigma July 16, 2020 1:11 am

Yknow, reading manga (the romance genre to be specific) has been pretty painful to read recently...

Irl, I have someone that is straightforward about their feelings yet I don't feel anything... it became stressful since I tried to like them, they have a lot of good points and they can even be considered a really good partner/lover, but I can't seem to feel anything... I don't know what to do...

I usually come to this site to read and distract myself from irl stuff, but now I'm more stressed out and more depressed about the situation cuz past me usually reads romance... I just get reminded of the situation whenever I read...does anyone have any idea on what to do?
Ik it's bad to run away, but if u can't give me any advice, then maybe a non-romance manga to read?
