Well worth reading

Comadrin July 15, 2020 9:37 pm

I liked it quite a bit. The characters were interesting and believable. At first, I was totally put off by the ML, but his mental trauma was from a believable cause, and not the "boo hoo, my pride has been shattered," normal cause of angst in double y chromosome Harlequin guys. The little girl's original attitude is also understandable. The adults she had in her life were: a mother who ignored her while trying to have sex with every male in Great Britain, and a neurotic, suicidal father who ignored her because he didn't think she was his real daughter. Sorry to be so hard on the "victim" father, but if he had been any weaker of character, the Jello company would sue for patent infringement. Celente was lucky she had the maximum load of moxie she did, otherwise she would probably have spent most of her life either as a total shut-in or seeing a therapist twice a week. And she was expected to shed tears for the death of these two poor excuses for humans? Anyway, Rebel was a breath of fresh air in a milieu dominated by regret and grudges, where the only "outsiders" were a female snake feeding said grudges, and a couple of stock Wodehouse upper crust characters (the type whose greatest display of emotion was to break into some mild tut-tuttery during the London Blitz).
